Robert Tomalski comes from the city of Radom in Poland and has paddled with his kayak all over the world.

His latest goal was from the port city of Leba to Karlskrona, a route he started three days ago.

- It was my first expedition in open water, that is, in the middle of the sea, he says.

Ended up off course

But the adventure did not end as he had hoped.

He ended up off course and paddled around outside Öland's southern cape.

He started to get tired and eventually decided to launch an emergency rocket.

After a while, the Coast Guard crew came and picked him up and took him to Karlskrona.

- I warmly welcomed their help after this trip.

I would like to explore Karlskrona, but yesterday there was no opportunity, says Robert Tomalski who has now taken the ferry back to Poland.

Will try again

He has not been deterred by the incident, on the contrary, he is now tagged on trying again next year but to then start from Gdansk, which means 16 miles longer distance.

- Next year I can do it.