Spanish runner Diego Mentreda refused to cross the final line and win third place in the Triathlon Santander, after his British rival James Tegel stumbled before the finish line.

Sports accounts on social media circulated a video of the high sporting spirit of the Spanish runner when he deliberately delayed after his opponent missed the end point, to give him the bronze medal in the race.

El triatleta madrileño Diego Méntrida dejó pasar a su rival cuando éste se equivocó de camino antes de la meta.

Peleaban por el tercer puesto en el Triatlón de Santander, que ganó Gómez Noya

- EL MUNDO Deportes (@ElMundoDeportes) September 17, 2020

The two players exchanged hugs after the end of the race with all sportsmanship, in a video that garnered millions of views on Twitter.