- Do I think it's sad that Swedes buy Volvo cars?

No, I think it's good that Swedes buy Volvo cars.

Volvo is very important for jobs and growth in Sweden, says Magdalena Andersson.

When the EU changed the measurement method for carbon dioxide emissions to a more realistic one, many cars got higher values.

As a result, some climate bonus cars ended up above the emission limit.

The government then chose to raise the emission limit.

As SVT's review has shown, nine out of ten cars sold, which the government has included in the bonus, are Volvo cars - the vast majority of SUVs.

The Minister of Finance defends the rule change:

- At present, it is great if the Swedish people have bought plug-in hybrids, rather than those that do not run on electricity at all.

It is a great success, says Magdalena Andersson.

Bolund: We want to change the rules

But heavy cars are worse for the climate than lighter, research shows.

When the battery is discharged and the petrol engine starts, Volvo's climate SUVs pull up one liter a mile, according to test runs in the trade press.

And the government colleague at the Ministry of Finance, Per Bolund (MP), wants to change the rules and let the importance play a role in climate bonus rules.

- We are not satisfied but we want us to continue to push for the cars sold to be as environmentally friendly as possible.

Then we want to look at both what technology they use and also that they have lower weight, he says.

Negotiations are ongoing

The Minister of Finance says so far only that it is part of the system that the rules are tightened gradually.

- It is about continuously screwing in the regulations, and doing so as new cars come on the market, says Magdalena Andersson.

Negotiations between the government, C and L are currently underway and any changes in the climate bonus rules will be presented at the latest in connection with the autumn budget.