So, according to the survey, almost half of schoolchildren (49%) began to value full-time education more after the spring introduction of the distance format. The opposite opinion was expressed by 24% of the respondents, and 27% found it difficult to answer.

In addition, 20% of schoolchildren believe that learning should be half-distance - provided that digital tools work properly, and all students are provided with computers and Internet access.

Also, according to the survey data, the majority of schoolchildren (30%) named the main advantages of full-time education that teachers explained the material better. 29% of the respondents noted the importance of live communication with classmates and 11% - live communication with teachers.

At the same time, the most uncomfortable in traditional education, schoolchildren called the need for early wakes (25%), as well as the inability to study at their own pace (17%).

The survey involved 1.3 thousand respondents.

Earlier, the State Duma proposed to provide schoolchildren and students who will begin their studies on September 1 with personal protective equipment.