Keep a stream of clear water, and meet green water like blue.

Build a thousand acres of forest and meet the green hills.

Plant a rehmannia glutinosa flower, and it is like gold to meet Wangyou.

Catch a pond of adult fish, and meet the silver dress.

  Green water and green mountains are Jinshan Yinshan. A long scroll of mountains and rivers that is kind to nature, green mountains are always there, green waters are long flowing, air is always new, and man and nature coexist harmoniously have been spread on the land of beautiful China.

  Chief Planner: Yan Wenbin

  Planning: Sun Chengbin

  Publisher: Sun Zhiping

  Producer: Fan Hua

  Coordinator: Xing Peiyu, Han Shen

  Directors: Wang Zhibin, Peng Zhuo, Cao Yanyu

  Reporters: Wang Yiwen, Xia Liang, Song Lifeng, Li Tao, Zou Jianpu, Tang Yameng, Jiang Mingming, Wei Meng, Zhou Wanpeng, Si Xiaoshuai, Xu Ziheng

  Packing: Zhang Wenrong (internship)

  Some material sources:

  Anji Radio and Television Station

  Chifeng Daily New Media Center

  Produced by the Audio and Video Department of Xinhua News Agency

  Produced by Xinhua News Agency