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12 August 2020The new school desks will arrive between the beginning of the school year, 12 September, and the month of October. In fact, 11 contracts have been defined today for the supply of single-seater benches, both traditional and with innovative seats, to companies and groupings of companies, mostly Italian. Need created to meet the anti-Covid distancing needs in school classrooms. This is the result of the tender announced by the Commissioner for Emergency Domenico Arcuri. 14 companies participated in the tender, including Italian and foreign ones.   

The new counters produced by the 11 companies, which won the contract, will be delivered starting from the first days of September and until October. The distribution of the desks in the various institutions will take place according to "a national schedule and a timing that will take into account the actual school and health priorities of the various territories", explains the staff of the extraordinary Commissioner, ensuring that the normal start of the school year will be guaranteed everywhere. . As for the disposal of the old benches, which will be replaced by the single-seaters, it will take place according to ordinary procedures, in agreement with the Municipalities and Provinces.   

Within a month, 2.5 million pieces will be produced and delivered between traditional desks and innovative chairs (the entire requirement required by Italian school managers was, to be precise, 2,013,656 traditional desks and 435,118 innovative chairs) . In practice, ten times more than what is normally the annual national supply.   

"The procurement of single-seat desks is part of a broader program - recalls the office of the extraordinary Commissioner - aimed at supporting the safe opening of schools". Before setting foot in the classroom, preventive screening will also be provided through 2 million voluntary and free serological tests for teachers and non-teaching staff of all schools, the free distribution of 11 million surgical masks and at least 50,000 liters of sanitizing gel. per day.

Ministry: "Well race benches, State finally invests in furniture"
The Ministry of Education expresses satisfaction with the outcome of the European tender for single-seater benches announced this evening by the extraordinary Government Commissioner. A result obtained in a very short time and in emergency conditions. For the first time, the state invests heavily to renovate school furnishings, which are often obsolete. An intervention that goes beyond the state of emergency and that will remain at the school for years to come. The Ministry then recalls that the administrative machinery is at work at full capacity, even in these days, to guarantee the recovery of September in presence and in safety.