Donald Trump, August 10, 2020 in Washington. - Andrew Harnik / AP / SIPA

Be careful, this article may offend history fans or holders of a contemporary history license. On Monday, during a press conference at the White House in Washington, Donald Trump compared the coronavirus pandemic to that of the Spanish flu. Problem, the president made the wrong year AND the world war (and his balance sheet too).

“The closest thing to it dates from 1917, the great pandemic. It was a terrible thing, where the world lost between 50 and 100 million people, which probably ended World War II, ”Donald Trump said. “All the soldiers were sick. It was a terrible situation, ”he added.

Disorganized armies

In fact, the story books date the start of the Spanish flu epidemic, to which Donald Trump refers, in 1918. And it did not end World War II, which took place 21 years later. . Finally, it also did not cause the death of 100 million people, but caused between 20 and 50 million deaths worldwide. These hazardous figures, he had already given them last May during an interview with Fox News ( 20 Minutes had also written an article in his Fake off section).

On the other hand, the American president is right on one point: at the end of the war, the soldiers were victims of the epidemic. The French army was even deeply disorganized but all countries were housed in the same boat, according to geographer Freddy Vinet, of the University Paul Valéry in Montpellier. It is therefore considered that it did not have a decisive effect on the war.


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  • Covid 19
  • World
  • Donald trump
  • Influenza
  • Coronavirus
  • Second World War