UN alerts to the progress of North Korea's nuclear development Analysis of small nuclear weapons development August 4, 11:34

A panel of experts from the United Nations Security Council, which examines the implementation of sanctions against North Korea, reveals in a recent report an analysis of countries concerned that North Korea may have developed miniaturized nuclear weapons. did. It seems that there is an aim to warn the progress of North Korea's nuclear development and call for the full implementation of sanctions in each country.

An expert panel investigating the implementation status of sanctions against North Korea submitted an interim report for the past six months to the Security Council Committee on the 3rd, and clarified the analysis results of North Korea's nuclear and missile development.

According to the report, North Korea will continue to manufacture enriched uranium, which is a raw material for nuclear weapons, and to construct an experimental light water reactor capable of extracting plutonium.

In addition, "several countries have analyzed that North Korea may have developed a miniaturized nuclear weapon that can be mounted on ballistic missiles," he said.

Regarding the miniaturization of nuclear warheads by North Korea, the Japanese government analyzed in a defense white paper released last year that "it seems to have already been realized."

On the other hand, it is said that the US warns that a warhead that can be mounted on an ICBM = intercontinental ballistic missile requires higher technology than short and medium range, and it is not clear whether North Korea has realized this. Hmm.

The report does not go as far as the types of missiles, and seems to warn of the overall progress of North Korea's nuclear development and call for each country to fully implement sanctions.