She reported that "after discussions with Vice President (Mike. - RT ) Pence and others, the federal government has agreed to withdraw federal officers from Portland."

“They acted as an occupying force and brought violence with them. Starting tomorrow, all Customs and Immigration and Customs officers will leave downtown Portland, ”said the Governor.

In turn, according to RIA Novosti, American leader Donald Trump said that "if the mayor and the governor do not immediately stop the crimes and violence from the anarchists and instigators, the federal government will come in and do the deed that the local law enforcement should have done."

The President added that "if the federal government and its wonderful law enforcement agencies from the Department of Homeland Security had not entered Portland a week ago, there would have been no Portland now - it would have been burned and razed to the ground."

On July 22, Trump announced that he is sending additional federal forces to fight crime in American cities.