Ritsuminin and Citizens Start “Society after Convergence of New Corona” 4:30 on July 15th

The Constitutional Democratic Party and the National Democratic Party have started discussions on the state of society after the infection of the new coronavirus has ended. Both parties have expressed their desire to share their ideals and aim for a confluence, but the situation in which they cannot agree due to party names etc. continues.

Secretary General Fukuyama of the Constitutional Democratic Party, Secretary General Hirano of the National Democratic Party, and Secretary General Aihara of the coalition met in Tokyo on the night of 14th to start discussions on the future of society after the infection of the new coronavirus has ended. ..

The results of the discussions will be reflected in the policies set forth in the next House of Representatives election, and both parties have expressed their desire to share their ideals and aim for a merger.

Mr. Fukuyama told reporters, "Confirming that there is a common idea is a very important process." If so, that's fine."

However, regarding the confluence of the two parties, the representative of the Constitutional Democratic Party, Edano, said that he was approaching a new way of thinking, while the National Democratic Party side said that "the recognition is different" and that the party name etc. Still going on.