The scientific police at the scene of the assassination in Ajaccio. - Pascal POCHARD-CASABIANCA / AFP

  • A young woman, a waitress in a bakery, was indicted after the assassination of Alexandre Giacopelli in Ajaccio on June 18.
  • She is suspected of having helped in the assassination.

A young woman was indicted "for complicity in intentional homicide with premeditation and in an organized gang" in connection with the assassination of Alexandre Giacopelli on June 18 in Ajaccio, Corsica, we learned Monday from sources concordant.

"Jennifer Andarelli has been indicted in particular for complicity in intentional homicide with premeditation and in an organized gang, criminal association and placed in pre-trial detention," the prosecutor of the Republic of Marseille Dominique Laurens told AFP, confirming a information from France 3 Corsica.

The first victim, a mistake?

She is an employee of a bakery near the Aktuel brewery, on the outskirts of Ajaccio, where a helmeted gunman shot and killed a second man on June 7, 'AFP a source close to the investigation. She is involved in the logistical organization of the assassination of Alexandre Giacopelli which took place ten days later, on June 18 around 12:30 p.m., on the terrace of a snack bar in downtown Ajaccio, according to a source close to the file.

Alexandre Giacopelli, 28, had been convicted in the past "several times for acts of aggravated robbery, extortion and aggravated violence", said Ajaccio Public Prosecutor Carine Greff. The investigation for these murders, entrusted to the judicial police, was then resumed by the specialized interregional jurisdiction of Marseille, competent in matters of organized crime.

The victim of Aktuel, unknown to the police and justice services, could have been confused with another individual, concordant sources told AFP. During the night of June 19 to 20, a 25-year-old young man, linked to the person injured during the first reckoning, was hospitalized for a gunshot wound to his hand, which he claimed to have inflicted himself without remembering the weapon used. Two individuals had come to the hospital to inquire about him and had been stopped by the establishment's security service. These assassinations or attempts could be linked to the split of an Ajaccian criminal gang, these concordant sources told AFP.


Corsica: Three indictments for murder for the assassination of Antoine Francisci


Corsica: Seven people arrested in connection with an investigation into a murder

  • Banditry
  • Ajaccio
  • Assassination
  • Justice
  • Charges