Innovative measures of various departments in various places to protect basic people's livelihood and build a solid defense line

Take care of every difficult people (do "six stability" work and implement "six guarantees" task)

  This year, the central government allocated 166.5 billion yuan to help people in need. In the first quarter of this year, 99.9 million people were subsidized with minimum living allowances and special hardships; 3.107 million people were temporarily aided by the epidemic situation; a temporary price subsidy of 7.13 billion yuan was issued for 123 million people in need.

  General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that the more outbreaks occur, the more attention must be paid to ensuring and improving people's livelihood. The central government made unified policy decisions and implemented flexible policies such as temporary price subsidies, diminishing minimum living allowances, single-person household insurance, and simplified temporary assistance procedures at various times to “pull” the most difficult groups and “guarantee” the most basic life, and strive to affect the epidemic. drop to lowest. The bottom of the circle guarantees that the population is getting wider and wider, and the strength is getting stronger, the people in difficulty are getting more and more sense of happiness, security, and the pace of building a well-off society in an all-round way is more solid.

  Should be protected as much as possible, should be rescued as much as possible, focusing on caring for the people in need in Wuhan

  The people of Wuhan have made significant contributions to the prevention and control of the epidemic, have made tremendous sacrifices, and have encountered outstanding difficulties. The aid subsidy fund arranged by the central finance is tilted towards Hubei. For the difficult groups such as urban and rural subsistence allowances and special hardship workers in Hubei Province, in addition to the timely and full payment of relief funds, it is not less than 500 yuan for urban personnel and not less than 300 for rural personnel. The standard of yuan gives relief to living materials.

  On January 23, Chen Jinsong and his family, who were temporarily working in Jiang'an District, were detained in Wuhan. The Civil Affairs Office of Xincun Street in Jiang'an District and the local community broke the barriers of household registration and simplified the application procedure. Within a week, the temporary relief fund of RMB 3,000 was sent to Chen Jinsong, and rice noodles, grains and oil were also sent to protect their basic life. In Wuhan, there were more than 15,000 out-of-town Han people who received assistance like Chen Jinsong, and a total of 42.444 million yuan of temporary assistance was issued. As of April 8th, the control of leaving the Han Channel was released, and Wuhan City established 69 resettlement sites. 6025 people will be resettled.

  Up to now, Hubei Province has issued a temporary price subsidy of 440 million yuan for 3.7 million people. At the same time, Wuhan also issued an additional living allowance of 120 million yuan for the 129,000 low-income people and extremely poor people, and 1044 people were newly included in the low-income and extremely poor people for protection.

  In order to achieve the best protection and rescue, under the unified deployment of the central government, Hubei Province made overall plans for the care and support of special groups such as low-income people and special hardship people, and timely included eligible families affected by the epidemic due to epidemic. range. As of the end of March, Hubei Province had rescued 171,000 people suffering from epidemics, and spent 188 million yuan in temporary relief funds; it spent 3.09 billion yuan on minimum guarantees, an increase of 56.7% from the same period last year; and spent 960 million yuan on special hardship pensions, compared with last year. Over the same period increased by 30.4%.

 Aim at urgent needs, ensure that the bottom of the pocket guarantees a leak

  Zhang Xuelin, a villager in Zhongjie Village, Yunyang Town, Jingyang County, Xianyang City, Shaanxi Province, is in a good mood recently. The 1200 yuan temporary subsidy just received from the bank has eased the life of the family of five. Affected by the epidemic, the prices of some commodities rose, and Jingyang County doubled the temporary price subsidies. "The policy is really thoughtful and warms our hearts." Zhang Xuelin said.

  In response to the epidemic, the local governments promptly launched the implementation of a linkage mechanism linking social assistance and security standards to rising prices. From March to June, the temporary price subsidy standard was doubled. Orphans and de facto unsupported children were also included in the subsidy scope. The Ministry of Civil Affairs has also made it clear that areas with severe epidemics may suspend the withdrawal of Dibao targets to provide protection for the needy.

  At the same time, local civil affairs departments implement flexible policies such as single-person household insurance and diminishing minimum living security in a timely manner, aiming at the most urgent needs of people in need and solving practical difficulties.

  ——Some poor people whose income level has just exceeded the Dibao standard, because of their insufficient development capacity, there is often a risk of returning to poverty. Some provinces are exploring the Dibao policy of gradual retreat, and they will take another trip to consolidate the results of poverty alleviation.

  Chen Zongliang's family in Huashan Village, Gaoqiao Township, Tonggu County, Yichun City, Jiangxi Province, has reached the exit standard for poverty alleviation this year. However, considering the impact of the epidemic, in order to help its families consolidate the achievements of poverty alleviation, the Tonggu County Civil Affairs Bureau allowed the Chen Zongliang family to continue to enjoy the minimum living allowance. During the poverty eradication period, the poor households that have been included in the rural low-income filed and established cardholders can still implement a two-year retreat period after they reach the exit criteria to ensure that their families are stable in employment before exiting.

  ——Regarding the severely ill, severely disabled and other difficult groups, refer to the “single household” to be included in the Dibao Up to now, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong and other provinces have implemented the "single household insurance" policy in light of local conditions. This policy innovation has enabled the seriously ill and severely impoverished people to get a minimum living allowance.

  Not long ago, Zhu Guobing's family in Xinhong Village, Zhuhu Town, Sihong County, Jiangsu Province received gratifying news that Zhu Guobing, who suffers from lung cancer, can enjoy "single household insurance". "Single household insurance" refers to the reference to a single household to enjoy the minimum security. The per capita income of Zhu Guobing's family exceeds the standard, and he cannot enjoy the Dibao. The social assistance specialists in the village discovered the practical difficulties of their families in their daily investigations. The Zhuhu Town Civil Affairs Office determined that Zhu Guobing met the "single household insurance" condition based on policy accounting. "With the Dibao, medical expenses can be reimbursed by about 70%, which really relieves our urgent needs!" Zhu Guobing said.

Press the "fast forward button" to make the warmth transfer faster and more powerful

  Application for the month, approval for the month, and release for the month. In late March, when the mother-in-law of Dishui Village, Changxi Township, Jinxiu Autonomous County, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, received a 4,000 yuan temporary relief fund from the Civil Affairs Bureau, she was moved to tears.

  In 2019, Mother-in-law's family got rid of poverty. But then his wife and son died one after another, and the elderly in their 70s were in trouble. After the situation was reported, the county quickly included Zhang's mother-in-law in the low-income relief category A and issued her a low-income deposit of 240 yuan per month. At the same time, she was granted a temporary assistance of 4,000 yuan.

  "One case, one discussion", online self-help application, "up to one run" reform... During the epidemic prevention and control period, in order to make warmth transfer faster and more powerful, local governments press the "fast forward button" of government services to innovate ways and improve efficiency to More solid measures, do a good job in support.

  ——Optimize the process and wait less. Zhejiang Province implemented the “up to one run” reform and the “domestic code” policy of civil affairs services, reducing a total of 12 items and 259 civil affairs business application materials; with the aid of the “Guangdong Provincial Affairs” small program, Guangdong Province uniformly generates electronic signatures for families The power of attorney no longer requires the working people to sign fingerprints on the spot, realizing a "zero run" during epidemic prevention and control.

  -Raise the standard and expand the area to solve the crisis. Shandong Province gradually increased the amount of temporary relief for townships (streets) to 50,000 yuan, and the emergency relief standard was raised by 1,000 yuan to ensure that rescue work is needed during epidemic prevention and control; Tianjin’s foreign labor and return to work are low The insured person deducts 500 yuan per month in labor costs, and provides temporary assistance to the immigrant population whose lives are severely difficult due to the epidemic, to maximize the assistance to the people in need.

  Good policies relieve people's worries and warm people's hearts. During the epidemic prevention and control period, a hard nuclear measure has woven a strict safety net, which effectively protects the living standards of the people in difficulty from falling, effectively consolidates the achievements of poverty alleviation and poverty alleviation, and reflects the improvement of governance capacity and governance level. , Reflecting the people-centered development thinking.

  Li Changyu