Silicon Valley app developers are creating a new way to test their apps. Often a new app or service is launched that only a limited audience can access.

Gmail started this method 15 years ago. The most popular e-mail website now is a service restricted to invitees only.

And this week there were calls for a new mail application called "Hey" in Silicon Valley, a completely new email service that promises to fulfill Gmail's promise to help users better manage their inboxes.

But Hay is not the only new app that Silicon Valley is talking about. The following are some of the applications that attract the attention of the valley residents:


An email application and service that promises to facilitate email management by automatically collecting receipts and messages related to transactions, newsletters, promotional email, and personal messages. Therefore, it is a bit like Gmail, and this service should be better.

This app also promises to give users more control over the flow of messages, allowing them to ignore messages sent to a group of people, merge separate conversations together in a single thread, and block trackers who discover when and where the message was opened.


This app was developed by BizCamp, a project management maker of the same name, which was launched last Tuesday and costs $ 99 annually, and currently you cannot use it unless you have an invitation. The company plans to open this application to the public in general next July.

An email application and service that promises to facilitate email management (Hi site)


The Clubhouse group voice chat app appeared around the time almost everyone started working from home to crowd out popular apps like Zoom.

The app allows users to join different virtual rooms and have conversations with a group of people who happen to be there.

To date, this app has been limited to a limited and exclusive audience of certain people such as venture capitalist Mark Anderson, actor Jared Leto, and hip-hop artist MC Hammer.

The app developer Paul Davison previously founded Highlight, a geo-based service acquired by the popular Pinterest site.

The initial version (Beta) was launched this spring, and it is a free but limited service for invitees, and you can request an invitation through the application's website.

The app allows users to join virtual rooms and hold talks with a group of people who happen to be there (Club House website)


Road Trip brings together music and party lovers in virtual rooms, where someone works as a DJ, and there is a queue of songs in a live playlist.

They can chat with each other via text message, suggest songs, and if they are invited by the song coordinator they can speak loudly to the one in the room.

This app was developed by Matt Mazoo, former managing director of Lowercase Capital, and Brian Wagner, who was formerly a major developer at Embrace who provides app correction services.

The application was launched this month as a free initial copy limited to those who have an invitation, and you can request one through its "Product Hunt" page.


This application promises a streamlined and ultra-fast email experience, its application and location are very simple, and the company wants to download pages and messages within ten seconds.

Users can schedule messages and undo messages already sent. The service also offers a set of keyboard shortcuts that allow users to perform rapid scanning via incoming mail or sending messages.

It also sorts messages automatically to different regions, including one for newsletters and the other for calendar invitations.

Application developer Rahul Vohra founded the leading Reportive service for Gmail, in cooperation with Conrad Irwin who was the first engineer in Rportive, and Vivek Sodera who founded RapLeaf, a database marketing company.

The service was launched in 2017 as a pilot test at a cost of $ 30 a month, and now it has started to make a fuss in Silicon Valley, and is still limited to those who have an invitation, and you can request access through the main page of the "Super Human" site.

"Super Human" promises a streamlined and high-speed email experience (Super Human Website)


"Collab" allows people to make music almost together, as users upload their own videos while they play music and merge it with others' videos.

Users can merge their videos, work with friends, or perform mashups with videos uploaded by other people.

The service developed a group of new product experiences known as "NPE" on Facebook, and was launched last May for free, and it can be used only with an invitation you can request through the main page of the application site.

Can i use it? Yes, if you receive an invitation, you can subscribe to the queue on the home page as well.