Strasbourg water available at the tap is drawn from one of the most important alluvial aquifers in Europe. - vitapix

A hashtag for blue gold. #Moijelefais is the eco-citizen challenge launched by the Eurometropolis of Strasbourg to conserve water. The objective: to invite residents to adopt good everyday practices to protect this common good.

Strasbourg water is drawn “from one of the most important alluvial aquifers in Europe. We are lucky to have good quality water directly, which does not require any treatment, except a little chlorine to avoid bacterial development, ”explains Jean-Marc Weber, water quality manager at the Eurometropolis.

But drinking water is not inexhaustible and must be used responsibly, he says. Especially with the health crisis, "we are witnessing a resurgence of single-use plastic", with the risk of finding it in the aquatic environment, reports Valentine Cancel of the association Zero Waste France. To limit waste and pollution, just share a few simple gestures. We throw ourselves into the water ?

Drinking tap water, eco-friendly and economical reflex

"Plastic is a waste that is poorly and only recycled," recalls Valentine Cancel. The best is still to do without water packs. And to make some savings: "Tap water is 100 times cheaper than bottled water," calculates Jean-Marc Weber. It is also one of the most controlled food products, to guarantee its quality.

Reduce consumption at home

Make way for common sense: take short showers, start the dishwasher only when it is full ... The most enthusiastic can place water savers on taps or a bottle filled with water in the toilet tank.

Resolution 2018 # 5: 💧 save water in each room to avoid waste → # Eco-gesture #Water

- WWF France 🐼 (@WWFFrance) January 16, 2018

Oil and hazardous products, at the recycling center

Wastewater treatment plants do not deal with everything. Ultimately, toxic products poured into the sink can contaminate rivers and biodiversity. The solution: reduce pollutants at source. The drugs are brought back to the pharmacy.

Frying oil, which severely damages sanitation networks, is only thrown in waste. Just like paint and solvents. Please note, the recovery of this waste is temporarily suspended due to the health crisis. Watch the evolution of the instructions on

Make your household products 

Three ingredients: white vinegar, black soap, baking soda. It doesn't take more to clean the whole house. Biodegradable products healthier for the environment and health. There are many effective recipes online. To make your own laundry, for example, Zero Waste Strasbourg recommends 15g of black soap, 15g of Marseille soap and a tablespoon of soda crystals. All diluted in a liter of hot water. Not a follower of "do it yourself"? Choose detergents with an eco-label like Ecocert or Nature & Progrès.

⚡️ triple tip ⚡️a detergent, a softener and an #ecological detergent product! 🌱

We offer you on our site it's 3 tips for homemade household products and 100% #ecolo! 💡 # DIY #doityourself #faitmaison #lessivenaturelle

- Good Tips Ecolo (@BonsPlansEcolo) April 16, 2020

Favor the local, organic and seasonal 

It is the best way to consume fresh products with a low carbon footprint. These fruits and vegetables also require less irrigation and treatment. And all that is felt in terms of taste! In Strasbourg, there are many AMAPs, associations to buy directly from local producers.

Wipes, not in the toilet!

Tampons, condoms, rolls of toilet paper, masks ... What is solid and non-degradable quickly should not be thrown in the toilet. This is also true for so-called biodegradable disinfectant wipes. It is a huge headache for the sewerage networks, which they plug up very regularly. Direction the trash, with household waste.

Unclog your sink without polluting 

"Large surface unblockers are very toxic," recalls Carole Bridault, co-founder of the association Zero waste Strasbourg. His secret boot: a mixture of coarse salt, baking soda, white vinegar and boiling water in the pipes. And if necessary, wet the shirt with a suction cup or an iron rod.

We offer zero-waste workshops every Wednesday. ♻️
Our second tip allows you to make a home sink sink using white vinegar, baking soda, coarse salt and boiling water! Https: //

- Editions Le Lombard (@LeLombard) April 29, 2020

Gardening naturally, it pays off

We can invest in a rainwater collector to water without wasting drinking water. Also remember to use kitchen scraps like peelings to make compost and cooking water, a good natural fertilizer.

How to make the right choice of # rainwater harvester: @RTravaux informs you on the subject!

- Renovation & works (@RTravaux) June 22, 2016

Wash your car while respecting nature

"In the street, the wastewater networks can go directly to the river", without going through the wastewater treatment plant, explains Jean-Marc Weber. To avoid the discharge of hydrocarbons and detergents, washing your car on the public highway or in your garden is prohibited. Better to go to a washing station, where the wastewater can be treated.

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