According to Pimenov, he tried to establish contact and communicate with the attacker during everything that happened in the bank branch.

“He barricaded the door and I began to practice my psychological inclinations, gleaned from books, with him. He spoke, chatted and found out that his head was a little out of order ... it was pretty epic, ”he said.

As the young man noted, the person who captured the bank, in his opinion, had serious personal problems.

“A psychological portrait ... a guy as if after a hard breakup. He could not coordinate his actions and movements, what he wants from the situation. He did not want anything as such: he did not want to harm and did not want to take anything. I just wanted some truth, ”he added.

Pimenov indicated that he tried to enter into confidence in a man and somehow communicate heart to heart.

“I talked and talked with him more ... I tried to somehow reassure me, to enter into a greater confidence in the person. Since there are objections, it was necessary to work with this. With all his questions and objections, we worked, held a small psychological session. As I understand it, he had many events in his life, ”he concluded.

On May 23, an unknown person entered the bank branch on Zemlyanoy Val Street in the center of Moscow and stated that he was mined.

The suspect was detained during the assault. No harm done.

The Investigative Committee opened a criminal case under the article on hostage-taking.

More on the topic - in the material RT.