China News Service, May 22 (Xinhua) According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website, a spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs spoke on the agenda of the National People's Congress on Hong Kong on the 22nd. The spokesman said that the National People ’s Congress established and perfected the legal system and enforcement mechanism for safeguarding national security at the national level in accordance with the Constitution and the Basic Law of Hong Kong. This is to safeguard national sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity and to establish the foundation of the "one country, two systems" system The necessary measures are to protect Hong Kong ’s long-term stability and prevent the inevitable choice of preventing external forces from interfering in Hong Kong ’s affairs. It is reasonable and legal and is imperative.

  The spokesman said that the spokesperson of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council and the spokesperson of the Liaison Office of the Hong Kong Liaison Office have reviewed the decision of the National People ’s Congress on the establishment and improvement of the legal system and enforcement mechanism of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to maintain national security (draft) ) "To speak.

  The spokesman said that national security is the basic prerequisite for the survival and development of the country and is related to the country's core interests. The reality is that since Hong Kong's "revisions" in 2019, the activities of "Hong Kong independence" and radical separatist forces have become increasingly rampant, violent terrorist activities have been escalating, and external intervention forces and "Taiwan independence" forces have increased their intervention in Hong Kong's affairs, which is seriously harmful Hong Kong ’s public security seriously challenges the bottom line of the “one country, two systems” principle and poses a real threat to national security. The National People ’s Congress, in accordance with the Constitution and the Basic Law of Hong Kong, establishes and improves the legal system and enforcement mechanism of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to safeguard national security at the national level. This is a necessary measure to safeguard national sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity, and to establish the foundation of the "one country, two systems" system. It is an inevitable choice to protect Hong Kong's long-term stability and prevent external forces from interfering in Hong Kong's affairs. It is reasonable and legal and is imperative.

  The spokesman pointed out that in any country in the world, whether it is a unitary system or a federal system, national security legislation belongs to the national legislative power. The Chinese Central Government has the greatest and ultimate responsibility for maintaining national security. Maintaining national security is the core of "one country, two systems" and the foundation on which "one country, two systems" depends. Hong Kong ’s prosperity and stability can only be guaranteed if national security is guaranteed. Establishing and improving the legal system and enforcement mechanism of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to safeguard national security at the national level. It is a very small number of people who split the country, subvert the state power, organize terrorist activities, and foreign and foreign forces intervene in the affairs of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. It is the overwhelming majority of Hong Kong citizens who abide by the laws and the law. They protect the legitimate rights and interests of Hong Kong residents and foreign institutions and personnel in Hong Kong, and safeguard the fundamental interests of the country and Hong Kong. This is also in the common interest of the international community.

  The spokesman emphasized that "one country, two systems" is China's basic national policy, and the Chinese government's determination to adhere to the "one country, two systems" policy is unwavering. Hong Kong is a special administrative region of China and a local administrative region directly under the Central People ’s Government of China. The issue of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region ’s national security legislation is purely China ’s internal affairs, and no foreign country has the right to interfere. The Chinese government's determination to safeguard national sovereignty, security and development interests is unswerving, and its determination to oppose any external forces to interfere in Hong Kong's affairs is unswerving.