Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, May 22: A spokesperson for the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council reviewed the Decision of the National People's Congress on Establishing and Improving the Legal System and Implementation Mechanism of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to Maintain National Security on the Third Session of the 13th National People's Congress ( "Draft)" said in a statement that the National People's Congress made relevant decisions in a timely, necessary, and very important manner. Establishing and improving the legal system and enforcement mechanism of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to safeguard national security at the national level will provide a long-term foundation for "one country, two systems" Firm system foundation.

  The spokesman pointed out that the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region is a local administrative region directly under the Central People ’s Government, safeguarding national sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity, and preventing, suppressing and punishing any acts that endanger national security in accordance with the law are constitutions that the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region should perform Responsibility. When formulating the Basic Law of Hong Kong, taking into account the actual situation at that time, the Central Government passed Article 23 of the Basic Law of Hong Kong, authorizing the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to legislate itself to prohibit any acts of treason, split the country, incite rebellion, subvert the Central People ’s Government and steal state secrets. Foreign political organizations or groups conduct political activities in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, prohibiting political organizations or groups of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region from establishing ties with foreign political organizations or groups, reflecting the central government ’s trust in the Special Administrative Region and its original position in Hong Kong Respect for the legal system. However, in the nearly 23 years since the return of Hong Kong, the legislation of Article 23 of the Hong Kong Basic Law has not been completed, and it has been seriously stigmatized and demonized. In addition, the relevant laws of Hong Kong have been "sleeping" for a long time. The government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region has maintained national security. There are many deficiencies in institutional settings, power allocation, and power allocation, which have led the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to be in a state of "non-defense" that is rare in the world in terms of maintaining national security.

  The spokesman pointed out that the situation faced by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in maintaining national security has become increasingly severe in recent years. Especially since the "revision storm" occurred in 2019, the "Hong Kong Independence" organization and the radical separation forces, with the support of foreign and "Taiwan independence" forces, blatantly clamored for "Hong Kong Independence" and other slogans, instigating a bottom-line "scramble" to implement Shocking and even violent crimes of a terrorist nature, begging and linking foreign and "Taiwan independence" forces to nakedly interfere in Hong Kong affairs. These illegal acts seriously challenge the bottom line of the principle of "one country, two systems" and seriously endanger national sovereignty, unity, and territorial integrity. Facts show that if national security loopholes are wide open, the whole society will pay a painful price.

  The spokesman pointed out that Hong Kong has been reintegrated into the national governance system since the day of its return. The central government bears the greatest responsibility for maintaining the constitutional order of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and is responsible for the comprehensive and accurate implementation of "one country, two systems" and the correct implementation of the Hong Kong Basic Law. Have the greatest responsibility. National security legislation belongs to the national legislative power. The Central Government granted Article 23 of the Basic Law the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region ’s partial legislative power to maintain national security. It does not change the attributes of national security legislation that belong to the central authority. Some responsibilities and powers. In the case where the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region ’s safeguarding of national security is facing a severe situation and it is impossible to complete the relevant national security safeguarding legislation itself, the National People ’s Congress, as the highest organ of state power, makes relevant decisions in accordance with the powers granted by the Constitution to establish and improve the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to safeguard the country It is an inevitable choice to make in principle provisions on the issue of a safe legal system and enforcement mechanism, and to authorize the Standing Committee of the National People ’s Congress to formulate relevant laws, as a matter of course.

  The spokesman pointed out that maintaining national security is the core of "one country, two systems". "One country" is the premise of "two systems", which is subordinate and derived from "one country". The most important requirement of "one country" is to safeguard national sovereignty, unity, and territorial integrity. National security cannot be guaranteed, and Hong Kong ’s long-term prosperity and stability cannot be discussed. Establishing and improving the legal system and enforcement mechanism of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to safeguard national security at the national level is an inevitable requirement for governing Hong Kong according to law, implementing relevant decisions and arrangements of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Party, and promoting the modernization of the national governance system and governance capabilities The top priority in preventing and controlling national security risks is to ensure the long-term prosperity and stability of Hong Kong and the long-term security of the root cause. It is also the foundation of the system for the stability of "one country, two systems".

  The spokesperson emphasized that the National People ’s Congress passed relevant decisions authorizing the Standing Committee of the National People ’s Congress to formulate relevant laws, targeting only those acts of splitting the country, subverting state power, organizing terrorist activities, and foreign and foreign forces intervening in Hong Kong. The activities of administrative affairs not only will not affect the rights and freedoms enjoyed by Hong Kong residents in accordance with the law, including freedom of procession and assembly, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, etc., but also will make the legal rights and freedoms of Hong Kong residents in a safe environment. Get better exercise. The "one country, two systems" policy will not change, the capitalist system implemented in Hong Kong will not change, the degree of autonomy will not change, the legal system will not change, and the interests of foreign investors in Hong Kong will continue to be protected according to law. Hong Kong will surely develop better and better when national security is effectively guaranteed.

  The spokesman said that Hong Kong is China ’s Hong Kong, and that the Chinese government and the Chinese people have a firm will to safeguard national sovereignty, security, and development interests, and their determination to fully and accurately implement the "one country, two systems" policy in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. History will eventually prove that with the "one country, two systems" system constantly improving in practice, the "one country, two systems" ship will surely ride the wind and waves along the correct course and travel far and wide!