• Direct.Coronavirus Spain today, live breaking news
  • Phase 1. What can be done in Phase 1 of the de-escalation in Spain
  • Phase 2. What can be done in Phase 2 of the de-escalation in Spain
  • Doubts Guide on the mandatory use of masks: when and where to use them, exceptions ...

The Government has established a de-escalation in Spain that is divided into four phases whose planned start dates are: phase 0 from Monday May 4 , phase 1 from May 11 , phase 2 from 25 May and phase 3 from June 8 . It is the Executive who decides which provinces are progressing in phase weekly.

When can you visit parents and grandparents

The Phase 1 allows group meetings with friends or family of up to 10 people both in homes and in the tables of the terraces of the bars. Of course, it must be in the province of residence.

On the other hand, there is the issue of nursing homes . The Government allows the Autonomous Communities to authorize the visits of a relative in phase 2 as long as the residences do not have confirmed cases of Covid-19 or there are quarantined residents. An appointment must be made and only one person per resident can attend.

Stay with friends

The Phase 1 enables social contact "in small groups vulnerable or not with previous pathologies." As with the previous question, a maximum of 10 people are allowed to meet both in the houses and on the terraces of the bars. The phase 2 changes the number of people can meet: expands to 15.

How and when you can travel

Travel outside the province or island of residence will not be allowed until the " new normal " is reached . In the best case, from June 22 , but even this date will only be for places where the coronavirus is most controlled. And once the "new normal" is reached, you can only travel between provinces that are in the same state. In other words, if Madrid were still in an earlier phase, this autonomous community could not be abandoned to go to second residences on the beach or anywhere else.

Leisure travel in Europe or abroad is far from occurring. The government asks for "prudence" and refers to the agreement that the community partners will reach to know when the restrictions are lifted.

Second residences within the same province

Although the displacements to the second residences were contemplated in phase 2 (as of May 25), finally the Executive has allowed them in phase 1 . The change in criteria puts an end to the apparent contradiction that occurred at first about being able to go to sleep in a hotel in the province and not the second residence.

Go to another province

When phase 3 is complete and the "new normal" begins. This will not happen at the earliest until June 22 . Until then it will be prohibited even if it is a bordering province that is in the same phase.

Bars, restaurants and discos

It will be done very gradually, but they will also open. In phase 0 , starting on Monday, May 4, the restaurants and cafes with takeaways are opened, without being able to consume them on the premises.

In phase 1, from May 11 , the terraces of the premises are opened, limiting the tables allowed to 50%.

In phase 2, from May 25 , consumption will be allowed inside the premises with table service and always seated. Therefore, it is not possible to be on the bars of the bars. At the moment, they will not be able to open discos or nightlife bars.

In phase 3, from June 8, people will be allowed to stand, that is, in the bars.

Return to face-to-face work

Teleworking continues to be encouraged throughout the de-confinement phase, through to the end. In phase 3 , to be implemented from June 8, "protocols for face-to-face reincorporation to companies for work activity" are contemplated, including including the use of PPE suits. In any case, it is said that companies must have a "staggered schedule and guarantees of conciliation."

Reopening of schools

This course has already been permanently suspended. Pedro Sánchez has been blunt and has said that the students will not return to classes until September . The schools will be opening for teachers to join and for cleaning tasks (in phase 1, from May 11) and from May 25 an exception will be made: the classes of the children's stage will be enabled until 6 years for families that prove that parents have to do face-to-face work.

In addition, the students of the courses that finish the middle educational cycle (4th of ESO, 2nd of Baccalaureate and 2nd of FP) will be able to attend class voluntarily from May 25th , with groups of 15 students maximum. Special Education centers for those who want to go will also be opened, as well as centers for taking university entrance exams.

Communities like Andalusia or the Basque Country have already announced the return of some of their students from May 18.

The shops providing services

Locals such as hairdressers , hardware stores, dentists , opticians, physiotherapy centers or florists, considered to provide services, have been included in phase 0 but with limitations. The commercial premises must have a counter, a screen or, failing that, extreme measures of individual protection with gloves and masks.

In the new phase 0, retail stores (with less than 400 m2) are allowed to be opened without an appointment, although with special hours for those over 65 years of age.

The commerce of generalized form

In phase 1, the shops return with a capacity limited to 30% of the premises and provided that a minimum distance of 2 meters is guaranteed between customers. When this is not possible, only the permanence of a client will be allowed.

They can also reopen open- air markets , with a limitation of 25% of the usual stalls and whenever the corresponding City Council requests it.

The malls

They go to phase 2, which would premiere some provinces on May 25 . They will be opened to the public prohibiting their stay in the usual common areas and recreational areas of these centers and with a limited capacity of 40%.

The hotels

They will open in phase 1 without using common areas. In phase 2 , from May 25, the common areas will be opened with a limitation of a third of the capacity, except for the hotel areas of the hotel itself, which will follow the rules for the restaurants described in the previous section. The capacity increases to 50% in phase 3, from June 8.

The beaches and pools

Beaches and pools will open for bathing in phase 2 . According to the BOE of May 16, recreational pools may be opened to the public , with the only restriction on capacity, reduced to 30% , provided that it allows the safety distance of two meters between users to be respected.

Cinemas, theaters and museums

They will also open in stages. The libraries from phase 1; the acts and cultural shows , also from phase 1 with a capacity of less than 30 people if they are local and 200 if they are outdoors; the museums , also from phase 1 with a third of its capacity, and on this date the filming of movies and series will also begin to recover.

The cinemas and theaters will not reopen until Phase 2, from 25 May, with a third of its capacity. On this date it will also begin to allow visits to monuments, key for tourism.

Gyms and sports facilities

Phase 1 contemplates the use of open-air sports facilities (without roofs or walls), except swimming pools and other water areas, individually and in pairs in sports that allow distance such as tennis.

While phase 2 includes the opening of indoor sports centers and swimming pools at 30% of the capacity.

Playing sports

There is a distinction between professional and non-professional sport. In the latter, the majority, it will be possible from phase 0 to do "contactless" activity such as cycling, running, skating or surfing as long as it is individually and in bands from 06.00 to 10.00 and from 20.00 to 23.00 hours (except in municipalities with less than 5,000 inhabitants, there will be no time limit). You can also take walks in a radius of 1 kilometer from the home accompanied by a person living in the same time zones as practicing sport. The Phase 1 opens to the outdoor facilities for non - contact sports (athletics or tennis).

In phase 2 , people up to 70 years of age are allowed to practice sports at any time, except for the time sections for walks by elderly and vulnerable citizens.

When does La Liga return?

The League returns when all parts of Spain are in phase 2 with 11 days compressed in just five weeks.

The BOE has established that all LaLiga teams will be able to train starting this Monday, May 18, whether their city is in one phase or another. Of course, training will have some limitations.

The Bulls

They will not be allowed until the last phase, stage 3 , from June 8. They will be allowed with a capacity limitation that guarantees one person for every 9 square meters.

Go to mass or to the mosque

The places of religious worship will finally open from the new phase 0 for those who want to go to mass or pray. At the beginning the limitation will be one third and the use of the masks is mandatory.

The wake

The Phase 0 enables velatorios for a "limited number of familiar" with security protocols and physical distance. The subsequent phases expand the number of people who can go.

The weddings

Weddings are already allowed but without attendees. In order for family and friends to attend, we will have to wait for phase 2 . It will be with a limited number (still to be determined in the Health protocol). Phase 3 contemplates "a larger number of attendees". An important reminder: operate the limitation to go to other provinces.

Academies and driving schools

The opening of the extracurricular educational and training centers are included in phase 2 , starting on May 25. Academies and driving schools are specifically included in the Government plan.

Hunting and fishing

Its prohibition remains until phase 2 , starting on May 25 in the provinces that manage to access that step of the deconfinition plan.

In accordance with the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Spain
  • Coronavirus
  • Covid 19
  • Descaled
  • Lack of confidence

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