Prosecutor's Office Law Revision Proposal "If the voting is forced, there is also a proposal to dismiss the chairman" Ritsumin Azumi May 14 22:27

Regarding the proposed revision of the Public Prosecutor's Office Act that allows prosecutors to extend their retirement age, the Chairman of the Constitutional Democratic Party's Azumi Diet measures, if the ruling party is the Cabinet Committee of the House of Representatives and decides to vote as it is, the chairman's dismissal resolution I showed the idea to consider submitting.

Representatives of the four opposition parties, such as the Constitutional Democratic Party, have chaired the National Assembly's National Assembly Countermeasures Committee on the Internet program on the night of the 14th, and exchanged opinions over a proposed revision of the Public Prosecutor's Law, which allows prosecutors to extend their retirement age after deliberation by the House of Representatives Cabinet Committee. It was.

In this, the Chairman of the Constitutional Democratic Party's Azumi Diet measure said, "The people are suspicious because there is room for the power of time to intervene in the prosecution. The amendment proposed by the opposition should be respected. He said that he would not be able to accept the vote unless the provisions allowing the prosecutor to extend his retirement were removed.

In addition, he said, "There is a limit to what can be called physical resistance, but if the ruling party makes a forced vote, it will issue a dismissal resolution to the chairman," and the dismissal of chairman Matsumoto of the Cabinet Committee. He indicated his intention to consider submitting a resolution.