• Coronavirus, applause by Casellati and Fico at Mattarella's intervention
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by Tiziana Di Giovannandrea 11 April 2020 The President of the Senate Maria Elisabetta Alberti Casellati invites Europe to listen to the requests for solidarity from the countries most affected by the Coronavirus epidemic.

In an interview with the French newspaper Le Monde, the second office of the state recalls that: "Europe was born to be an opportunity for all states, not a brake on their economies and that today Brussels has a duty to demonstrate it to all citizens "- adding -" The Union cannot be defined as such when it imposes sacrifices or rigorous budgetary constraints and then allows national selfishness to prevail when it comes to helping Member States ".

For Casellati: " New , common and coordinated tools are needed to mutualise the cost of the crisis, which cannot weigh on individual countries. Europe should adopt its own investment program in strategic sectors. More generally, liquidity injections are needed which are injections of confidence. My hope is that Italy and France, countries that have always been close in culture, history and legal tradition, will work together in this direction ".

With reference to the agreement reached to the Eurogroup , it: "It can be read as a 1st manifestation of intent, which will have to find concreteness in immediately operative support measures. The current crisis is destined to affect all Eurozone countries, even those who have stronger economies today "so" Thinking about previous conditions and vetoes will depend on the future of integration "said the president of Palazzo Madama.

With reference to Italy and the Covid-19 emergency, the President of the Senate Casellati specified: "I believe that, in this tragedy, European health coordination has been lacking. This would have allowed to contain the spread of the virus and damage to the production system The images of Italy shaken by the emergency have gone around the world. Our country has received many testimonies of solidarity from nations that have concretely expressed their friendship to the Italian people from every continent. We are grateful to all governments and to those communities that supported us "in the Coronavirus emergency. "But our common home remains Europe and it is from Europe that we must demand help that is not limited to the health contingency but is going to affect the present and future of our society and our economy". The second position of the State remarked as: "Europe, moreover, has specific legal and economic responsibilities towards us, not comparable to the moral obligations that triggered the response of other non-European countries. Let's never forget it. Several times Italy has shown solidarity, also towards Germany, saving it together with other countries from bankruptcy after the Second World War and after reunification, halving the debt and paying it off in thirty years. Nobody today looks the other way ".