The picture of Sonja Dahlqvist is five years old. It's from her 90th birthday. She says she's worried.

- Yes, I am. It is something that is natural. I have been a hard working person all my life and know many different things. So it's very, very valuable that I get sick, says Sonja Dahlqvist.

She follows the development of the corona pandemic on TV in her room.

- I take everything. I have an incredible memory despite my 95 years.

Three of her friends in the ward have passed away.

Feel yourself symptoms

- Three out of ten. I know them and I know how old they are, but I haven't found out who the last one is who has passed away. It's a bit shy to say that.

She recognizes the typical symptoms of the corona virus.

- I cough. I do some snoring, but not much. And I'm pretty tired. I do not eat as I did before, because it does not taste so good.

Hear a phone interview with Sonja Dahlqvist in the clip above.