NY Stock Market Significantly Raises $ 23,000 Recovery April 9 5:33

The New York stock market rose significantly on the 8th and Dow Jones averaged $ 23,000 since last month. Expectations that the spread of the new coronavirus infection might have weakened, and the withdrawal of leftist Senator Sanders in selecting Democratic candidates for the U.S. presidential election, also led to buying orders.

The New York Stock Exchange Dow Jones average closing price was $ 23,433.57, up $ 779.71 from the previous day. The $ 23,000 recovery is the first since last month.

In the market, there is hope that the spread of the new virus infection in Europe and the United States may have weakened, and a move to buy back stocks that have fallen in price has taken the lead.

In addition, during trading hours, if Democrat candidates for the U.S. presidential election were told that left-hand Senator Sanders had withdrawn, buying orders would increase, arguing that radical economic policies would be avoided and that prices would rise. Was expanded.

Market officials said, "Although prices are still volatile, the government has been considering additional economic measures to support the rise in stock prices."