Travel in Skåne has decreased by 50 percent in bus traffic and by 40 percent in train traffic.

- It is serious for the financing of public transport, which is based on booklet tax and half of ticket revenue, says Linus Eriksson, CEO of Skånetrafiken.

200,000 trips are still made a day and many depend on traffic for their jobs and studies. He thinks it's important to maintain traffic.

Now you try to skate out on some tours with few travelers, but not at rush hour and where there is work commuting. The Public Health Authority wants public transport to avoid congestion, but it costs to drive with half-empty buses and trains.

- We listen to it and we think it is good that there will be recommendations that we should avoid congestion and in Skåne and that is our priority, says Linus Eriksson.

Affecting the entire region

Now, the Swedish public transport cooperation organization and Sweden's municipalities and regions, SKR, mean that state measures are being implemented to save the situation as losses affect the entire region.

- Specifically in our case, Region Skåne has a unified cash register to finance dental care, health care and public transport. If we do not receive subsidies, it will be less money for the other businesses that now need them more than ever. This will be the consequence and that is why we are raising the issue that we need to get subsidies to the regions that other industries have received, such as aviation and shipping, in order to maintain traffic, says Linus Eriksson.