Unless there are restrictions on going out, up to 120,000 deaths will be announced at the University of England

Amid the spread of the new coronavirus, measures to curb outings in countries across Europe continue, and a team at a British university has killed up to 120,000 people so far without such measures The results of the analysis were described as possible.

The research team of the British `` Imperial College London '' uses a mathematical model to explain the effects of measures such as Italy, Spain, France and other 11 countries where going out, banning rallies, and closing schools The results of the analysis have been released.

That could mean that up to 43 million people could be infected by March 28 in all 11 countries, of which 120,000 would have died if governments did not take measures such as restricting travel. It was said that there was.

In Europe, more than 20,000 people have died so far, but the research team says that "it would have been worse without government intervention." He pointed out that further measures could be taken until the spread of the virus subsides to prevent the loss of more people.

However, since it takes several weeks for the measures to take effect from the start, the research team will analyze the data in more detail in the future.