- You have to have protective equipment that we who work on the floor trust. We do a tremendous job, but you have to feel safe. That you now change the rules after the asset is not so safe for us who are on the floor, says Styrud to SVT's Aktuellt.

The regions and the Public Health Authority have recently eased the requirements for personal protective equipment, which was motivated by gaining new knowledge about the disease. Mouthguards and long-sleeved protective clothing are now considered not needed in all situations.

"Doesn't feel really safe"

However, critical care workers suspect that the change is most likely due to a lack of protective equipment.

- It doesn't really feel safe to change this during the journey, says Styrud. He also says that there are no real scientific studies showing that the new guidelines are sufficient.

According to Styrud, there is always a contagious risk in patient-related work because the virus can spread with very small aerosol particles from the patients breath.