
March 31, 2020 No clicks for the 600 euro bonus provided for self-employed workers. From tomorrow it will be possible to ask the question but "there will be no chronological order and the questions can also be sent in the days following April 1st by connecting to the site and clicking on the dedicated banner".

The president of INPS Pasquale Tridico explains that the other measures are already active: "The babysitter bonus is active from today. The Ccovid special leave is active since yesterday. The IGC procedure has been active since last week, and the derogation as soon as the regions conclude regional agreements ".

The application for the autonomous bonus, according to the instructions published by INPS in a circular, can instead be presented on the INPS website also with the simplified Pin that can be asked for these requests. Labor Minister Nunzia Catalfo announced that the April decree will refinance the measure for April and May, probably expanding the amount. The minister also announced that she is working on an emergency income. We look at the citizenship income and the review of some requirements to obtain it linked to real estate assets. The measure would be temporary. Here is a summary of what the indemnity rules provide and who they concern.

Interested workers
Self-employed workers (traders, artisans and direct growers), freelancers not enrolled in compulsory social security funds, coordinated and continuous collaborators, seasonal workers and those of entertainment are interested in the allowance of € 600.

600 euros in March, upwards for April and May
The allowance does not contribute to the formation of income and therefore cannot be taxed. It does not give rise to a figurative contribution (such as layoffs, even by way of derogation).

INPS application with simplified Pin
The application must be made electronically with the Pin, the Spid, the National Service Card or the electronic identity card. Who does not have the Pin can ask for a simplified Pin by shortening the arrival times. Alternatively you can use the Contact center or patronage. The credit arrives on the current account.

Resources for nearly 3 billion
For collaborators and freelancers with VAT number there are 203.4 million; for traders, artisans, direct farmers, sharecroppers and colonists enrolled in the special management of self-employed workers, the allocation is 2,160 million; for seasonal workers, tourism and spas, resources amount to € 103.8; for fixed-term agricultural workers the allocation is 396 million while for show business workers the allocation is 48.6 million. If you consider the resources for a month, about 4.8 million workers could have the bonus.

For workers show income limit
Entertainment workers may also claim compensation provided they have paid at least 30 daily contributions in 2019 and have not had an income of more than 50,000 euros. These workers do not need to be employed on March 17 to claim compensation.

Incompatibility and incumulability
INPS reminds that these allowances are not cumulative and that they are incompatible not only with the pension but also with the citizenship income, the so-called social Ape and with the ordinary disability allowance. The allowance can be combined with Naspi for show business workers and seasonal workers. The bonus can also be combined with the monetary disbursements deriving from job grants, internships and traineeships.