Irina Sytnik with her husband Aurelio lives in the province of Rome, Guidonia. The spouses have their own small metal painting factory. According to Irina, her husband fell ill on March 7 - that day his temperature rose.

“There was no cough, and until recently we doubted that it was a coronavirus, because at that time the situation in Rome was not so terrible. Our city is not densely populated, and the husband does not go by public transport, he has his own car. In addition, we didn’t contact with patients or people at risk, ”Irina recalls.

How did the disease begin?

The last week before the disease, according to Sytnik, Aurelio spent in the country, pruned olive trees. Since the weather in March is constantly changing - either hot or cold - the couple attributed the ailment to the usual flu.

“Of course, we called the doctor and explained that the husband could catch a cold. The doctor asked me to lie down at home and report if the condition worsens. Symptoms, as I understand it, everyone is completely different. Everyone said that in order to distinguish coronavirus from influenza, you need to take a deep breath and hold your breath - supposedly if after that a dry cough or discomfort in the lungs appears, this is a sign of coronavirus. But Aurelio did not cough at all. But on the fourth or fifth day of the disease, he stopped distinguishing tastes - I prepared the food, and he complained that it was unsalted and tasteless. This symptom persisted for two days, then the taste and smell returned, ”says Irina.

According to the woman, a few days later her husband’s temperature jumped to 39 degrees. They were able to shoot her down with paracetamol. In addition, the doctor prescribed Aurelio antibiotics, but the situation did not improve - he began to breathe hard, weakness appeared.

Hospitalization and treatment

“On March 14, Aurelio was hospitalized. When the ambulance arrived, I already had a fear that it could be a coronavirus, but, on the other hand, I also feared that it was just the flu, and in the hospital my husband, on the contrary, would get infected. He first went to a clinic in Sant Andrea and was in a common room with other patients, ”the woman says.

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She says that on X-ray the doctors saw a severe lung lesion, and her husband decided to transfer to the central hospital of Spallanzani, which specializes in infectious diseases.

“We were lucky that a place was freed up in Spallanzani, because by that time there were already doctors working there who had specially arrived from China. There are excellent professors and equipment, now it is impossible to get there, ”Sytnik explains.

In hospitals, she said, martial law was practically imposed - they did not let anyone in or out, the staff worked without respite. Doctors are very hard, and it's scary.

“When the husband confirmed the coronavirus, the worst time came. He called me almost in tears. He is already an old man, and understood that he was at risk. We constantly called up and corresponded on social networks. Fortunately, he was conscious all the time. It was not connected to the ventilator — they were just given oxygen several times a day. There was a supportive treatment: pills and droppers, ”she said.

March 18, three days after hospitalization, Aurelio went on the mend.

“I could have been ill in a mild form”

Irina says that even before her husband fell ill, a friend from Ukraine came to visit them.

“In general, she had the opportunity to go home, but of course she did not do this, realizing that she could bring the virus to her country. The three of us lived in the same house. I subsequently developed a cough that did not go away for about ten days, ”says Irina. - There was no temperature, but a couple of days I felt weak, my head hurt. Since my husband was diagnosed with a virus, I, and everyone with whom we contacted, were put under control. Doctors call us three times a day and ask about how they feel. "

The last time, according to Sytnik, she saw her husband more than two weeks ago. On March 29, a woman passed a coronavirus test to make sure that she could safely meet her husband, who had already been discharged from the hospital. The woman believes that her test is likely to be negative, because a lot of time has passed - the body had to overcome the virus. Doctors explained to Irina that the new virus has many strains, and she could get it in a mild form. However, in any case, until the test results are obtained, the Sytnik must remain at home.

“Aurelio is still in isolation at our cottage, and he will remain in strict quarantine for two weeks. “I can only come to him with a mask and gloves, but at least I will help and bring food,” says Sytnik. - I really hope that everything will end well. My husband’s example showed that coronavirus is still not a sentence, and at 61, a person can also recover. But we will celebrate victory only when people around the world can take off their masks. Now the situation is very serious. Let's hope that we can come out of it as winners. ”