Egyptian comedian artist George Sidhom, one of the members of the Trio Lights group, died today, Friday, after a struggle with illness at the age of 82.

And Egyptian media sources quoted the head of the Actors Syndicate Ashraf Zaki as saying that the late artist was undergoing treatment after a health problem in a hospital in Heliopolis.

Ashraf Zaki expressed his deep sorrow for the departure of the artist George Sidhom, who enriched the artistic community with many timeless works.

He noted that the late artist patiently endured a disease journey that lasted for years, and said, "The artistic community has lost a great height with the departure of their master George."

George Sidhom - named George Abis Sidhom - is an Egyptian comedian, born on May 28, 1938 in Sohag Governorate (south).

Their master began his artistic career as a member of the Three Stage Lights Ensemble in partnership with the late guest Ahmed and artist Samir Ghanem.

And the trio formed one of the most famous performance teams in the sixties of the last century, when it participated in many movies, until its members separated after the death of guest Ahmed in 1970.

The late excelled in performing comedic roles, and his name shined in the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s.

Among his most famous works are the play "Married" with Samir Ghanem, and films "School of the Hooligans", "Garage" and "The apartment is the right of the wife", "Some go to the authorized twice", and "Marriage in the modern way."