• Coronavirus. Cdm approves "Cura Italia" decree. Conte: "Powerful maneuver, 350 billion are activated"
  • Coronavirus. Approved by the Cdm maxi-decree 'Cura-Italia'
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by Tiziana Di Giovannandrea March 27, 2020 Extraordinary parental leave to take care of children for the closure of schools, due to Covid-19, can also be asked if one of the two parents is in smart working, works from home.

The first operating methods have arrived on how to take advantage of the measures put in place by the government with the Cura Italia decree.

In the circular, the INPS, in addition to clarifying that leave can be requested even if the other parent is at home in smart working, specifies that leave cannot be requested if the other parent is unemployed or has support for income.

Leave can be requested as an alternative to the babysitter bonus.

In addition, the first indications for the bonus request from self-employed workers also arrived, with the possibility of applying with a simplified Pin. This is pending the activation of a remote recognition procedure. The procedure to request the bonus from the self-employed is not yet active.

Instead, it is possible to apply for parental leave which provides for the possibility that the measure will be retroactive starting from March 5 for those who in these days had already applied for ordinary leave.

The leave can be requested alternately by the two parents for a maximum of 15 days and is 50% indemnified with notional contribution coverage.

The age limit for asking is 12 years. Between 12 and 16 years of age, a leave can always be requested for Coronavirus but the question must be addressed to your company, without salary and without contribution.