Circular of the Committee of the Communist Party of China Dongfeng Motor Group Co., Ltd.

According to the unified deployment of the central government, from March 28 to June 15, 2019, the seventh inspection team of the central government conducted regular inspections of the party committee of Dongfeng Motor Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the company's party committee). On July 25, the central inspection team feedback the inspection opinions to the company's party committee. In accordance with the relevant requirements of the inspection work, the inspection and improvement exhibition will be announced.

I. Improving political standing, strengthening political responsibilities, and resolutely making inspection and rectification a major political task

The company's party committee attaches great importance to the feedback of the central inspection, and regards the inspection and rectification as the touchstone for enhancing the "four consciousness", firmness "four self-confidence", and "two maintenance", with the most determined attitude, the most powerful action, and the most solid Measures, the most stringent requirements, and promote the implementation of inspections and rectification.

(I) In-depth study and implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on inspection work, and effectively strengthen the consciousness and action awareness of the inspection and rectification work

After the feedback from the central inspection, the company's party committee acted swiftly and carefully studied and implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on inspections, the spirit of the central inspection feedback meeting, the briefing on the special inspection of the third round of the 19th Central Inspection Tour, and the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission. The Central Committee of the Central Committee of the People's Republic of China inspected the rectification and promotion meeting, and the State Commission of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection listened to the spirit of the company's party committee's central inspection and rectification of the company's central inspection and rectification situation. It was more profoundly recognized that the central inspection fully reflected the core of the Party Central Committee on Comrade Xi Jinping's Caring and loving; The problems of feedback from the central inspection are clear-cut and accurate. The company's party committee sincerely accepts, accepts all orders, deeply reflects, and resolutely rectifies. It takes a strong political responsibility to carry out the main responsibilities of inspection and rectification, and make every effort to do the inspection. ", Consciously put the development of the Dongfeng cause on the level of" an important material and political basis of socialism with Chinese characteristics "," an important pillar of the party's governing and rejuvenating the country, and relying on strength "to fully fulfill the duties and missions entrusted by the party's central government to ensure that the party's central government Major decisions are deployed in Dongfeng Division are implemented and enforced the letter.

(2) Strengthen organizational leadership, adhere to the above rate, and compact and compact the responsibilities of inspection and rectification

The first is to establish a strong inspection and rectification leading body. The company was established by the company's party committee secretary and chairman Zhu Yanfeng as the group leader, the party committee's deputy secretary and general manager Li Shaozhu, the party's deputy secretary Cheng Daoran, and the company's party committee member, disciplinary committee secretary, and the supervisory commissioner of the State Supervision Commission in Dongfeng Company Wen Shuzhong as deputy group leaders. The central inspection and rectification work leading group whose members are members of the leadership team; focus on the inspection feedback issues, and set up "implementing major central decision-making and deployment, independent innovation, preventing and resolving major risks, comprehensively and strictly governing the party's main responsibility, supervision responsibility, party building, There are 8 special rectification working groups, such as selecting and hiring, and handling clues. The leaders are in charge of the rectification themselves. The leading group has an office that is responsible for daily promotion. The second is to make solid arrangements to promote inspection and rectification. On July 27, a special meeting of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee was convened to study and deploy the central inspection and rectification work, and a working system of “the unified leadership of the company's party committee, the division of responsibilities of the team members, the functional departments performing their duties, and the direct rectification of the party committee” was established. On August 29, a central inspection and rectification work promotion meeting was held throughout the company to carry out ideological improvement, responsibility re-compaction, task redeployment, and action mobilization. On October 12, a regular meeting of the party and the masses was held to convey the spirit of the superior meeting and put forward specific requirements for the implementation of inspection and rectification. The third is to play the "head goose effect". Comrade Zhu Yanfeng took the responsibility of the first responsible person to make personal deployment, personal inquiry, personal coordination, and personal supervision. He presided over 9 meetings of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee, and led the group to study and deploy inspection and rectification work. He was responsible for 5 Special rectification projects; other members of the leadership team take the initiative to claim tasks, take the lead in responsible for the rectification and implementation of the special rectification project and the responsible unit, and coordinate and guide the inspection and rectification work 45 times; the Discipline Inspection Commission set up a central inspection and rectification working group to incorporate the implementation of supervision and rectification tasks into daily supervision The focus of the project is to focus on the key issues such as the independent brand business, independent innovation, and “stuck neck” of the central inspection tour. We will keep an eye on the progress of each measure and check one by one to ensure the smooth progress of the rectification. The fourth is to link up and down to rectify. 25 directly affiliated party committees implemented the company's party committee inspection and rectification requirements, earnestly fulfilled the responsibility of inspection and rectification of party organizations at their own level, set up inspection and rectification work leading groups and working institutions, and deployed, promoted, and rectified with the company's party committee, forming a first-level and first-level 2. The work pattern of "one game of chess".

(3) Focusing on cohesion and formulating inspection and rectification plans strictly

Focusing on the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on inspections, focusing on feedback from the central inspections, and incorporating incomplete and incomplete issues in the previous round of inspections into the rectification, forming the "Take the company's party committee inspection and rectification plan as the main body" The 12-category problem-specific rectification measures are supported, and 25 directly affiliated party committees are extended. " The company's party committee studied and formulated a plan for rectification of the central inspection. It detailedly sorted it into 12 categories, 40 problem points, and 164 rectification measures. The responsible leaders, responsible departments, and completion deadlines were clarified one by one to form a list of issues, tasks, and responsibilities. In addition, two special inspections and rectifications for inspection and selection of personnel were incorporated into the central inspection and rectification work plan and plan, and they were deployed and promoted as a whole. The company's party committee issued 67 inspection and rectification projects to 25 directly affiliated party committees, and confirmed the rectification measures two by two. Each directly affiliated party committee formulated 2023 rectification measures to promote the rectification work to the end.

(4) Persist in closed-loop management throughout the process, and make every effort to ensure that the rectification tasks come to fruition

Establish a work promotion mechanism. The company's party committee refined the rectification goals into three phases: short-term centralized rectification, medium-term continuous rectification, and long-term consolidation and improvement, forming a "road map" and "timetable" for rectification. The office of the leading group followed the supervision throughout the meeting, held 9 regular meetings to study and implement the rectification work, and updated the progress situation weekly in the form of “three lists and one account”, and supervised the rectification in the form of “supervisory orders” to ensure rectification and consolidation. . Establish a supervision and inspection mechanism. The company's branch leader is responsible for coordinating and urging the implementation of rectification in the field and units; discipline inspection and supervision, party workers, personnel and other departments strengthen the guidance of inspection and rectification of the system according to the business line; formulate the "Rules for Inspection, Inspection, Supervision, and Supervision", and strengthen inspection inspection and rectification supervision. Inspect and supervise, increase accountability, and take serious accountability in accordance with relevant regulations for issues such as inadequate rectification, perfunctory rectification, and false rectification. For the clues transferred by the central inspection team, the backbone of the organization should strictly investigate and deal with them according to discipline and rules. Establish a rectification and implementation evaluation mechanism. Emphasis on rectification and effectiveness, "supervision of progress" and "supervision of effectiveness" parallel. Explore the establishment of a nine-dimensional evaluation system, examine key elements such as organizational leadership, integration, cure the root cause, and verify the effectiveness, and complete the evaluation of the implementation and improvement of party committees directly under it.

(5) Combining education with the theme of “Do n’t forget your original heart and keep your mission in mind” to promote rectification

The company's party committee insisted on closely combining inspection and rectification with the theme education special rectification, and carried out overall planning and synchronization. The team members made in-depth research on 52 first-line production units of the company's 15 major business units, including the company's technology center, Dongfeng Renault, and Dongfeng Equipment. On August 26, the leadership of the company's party committee held a patrol on rectification and thematic education, and focused on the issues of democratic life in the central education. They focused on the problems of the central patrol and conducted in-depth inspection and analysis, checked the problems, analyzed the root causes, and clarified the rectification measures. Check them one by one, analyze them in depth, and put forward corrective measures. All units of the company have seriously implemented the requirements, and incorporated the problems found in the inspection into the content of the theme education and control review, and rectified and implemented them as a whole.

As of the end of 2019, the company's party committee formulated 164 rectification measures, 100% of which have been advanced as planned, all 67 short-term measures have been completed, 97 mid- and long-term measures have been completed, 95 have been completed or phased, 2 have been implemented in sequence, and 50 systems have been improved. Through inspections and rectifications, the company's party committee's steadfastness and consciousness in implementing the "two maintenances" with actual actions have been further strengthened, and the sense of urgency and responsibility to promote the strict and comprehensive development of the party has been further enhanced, and the state-owned enterprise party construction in the new era has been strengthened The quality and spirit of the company were further rejuvenated, and the company's party building, innovation and development, deepening reform, and compliance operations showed new trends and achieved new results. In 2019, under the situation of the continuous decline of the automobile market and the obvious increase in the risk of challenges in the automotive industry, the company's sales volume outperformed the market, the operating profit continued to grow, and overall high-quality development was achieved. Environmental consolidation and improvement.

Focus on the feedback of the focus inspection, and implement the rectification and implementation one by one

(I) Rectification of "Implementing the Party's Lines, Policies, and Central Party Committee's Major Decisions and Deployment"

1. The political role of the party committee in promoting independent innovation of core technologies is not enough, the "national team" has a weak sense of mission, and it lacks the essence of "hard bones".

The first is to strengthen learning and political responsibility. The leadership team thoroughly studied and implemented General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition spirit on scientific and technological innovation, combined with the actual situation of the company to increase implementation efforts, and resolutely shouldered the political responsibility of independent innovation and independent development. On June 22, in the concentrated learning seminar on the theme of "Don't forget the original intention and keep the mission in mind", carefully study the important exposition of General Secretary Xi Jinping on innovation and development, and focus on one day's special discussion on Dongfeng's independent business and the construction of core competitiveness; August 16 On August 23, focusing on the theme of “Strengthening Political Responsibility and Strengthening Independent Innovation of Core Technologies”, two special meetings were held to discuss in depth the major issues of independent innovation of core technologies, unify thoughts and clarify measures; on August 26, At the life conference, deeply analyzed the reasons for the lack of political responsibility to promote independent innovation of core technologies, and lack of motivation for the development of core technologies and independent undertakings, and proposed improvement measures; On December 18, the company's Party Committee Theory Learning Center Group (expanded) centered around General Secretary Xi Jinping The important exposition on the enhancement of the core technology's independent innovation ability and the important instruction and instruction spirit for thematic study, focusing on the use of party building advantages to promote independent innovation and the development of independent business for discussions, further transmitting responsibility pressure and strengthening political responsibility; at the same time, incorporating core technology independent innovation into The company's 2019 strategic seminar Important content, implement new development concept, implement the requirements of innovation and development, in-depth study of policies and regulations, strategic planning and resource distribution, to further promote the company's core technology innovation.

The second is to enhance the sense of mission of the "national team" and implement the innovation-driven development strategy. Thoroughly implement the important exposition of General Secretary Jinping's scientific and technological innovation, based on the mission requirements of the "national team," and grasp the major new changes in the global scientific and technological revolution and the lightweight, electric, intelligent, networked, and shared "five modernizations" of the automotive industry. Opportunities, formulate the "Guiding Opinions on Further Promoting the Development of Scientific and Technological Innovation", from the aspects of new product research and development, core technology research layout, innovative capabilities, effective invention patents, innovative talents, etc., it has clearly increased investment in research and development, implemented several major scientific and technological innovation projects, and participated in Ten key tasks including major national science and technology projects, among them, in response to key technical problems, make efforts to do a good long-term core technology layout, strive to make breakthroughs in key core technology areas, lead and promote the construction of a strong automobile country, and give play to the "national team" autonomy Develop a vanguard role.

The third is to improve the long-term mechanism for implementation, and focus on independent innovation of core technologies in the spirit of "hard bones." The company's party committee insists on studying and implementing the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speeches in this industry as an important part of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee. It establishes an important follow-up mechanism for General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speeches and instructions to implement a tracking mechanism, and promotes the Party Central Committee in the form of company inspection reports. The implementation of decision-making and implementation has been focused, focusing on overcoming difficulties and accelerating the pace of strengthening the company through science and technology.

2. On the issue of implementing the inadequate spirit of General Secretary Jinping's important instructions on "intensifying independent innovation"

The first is to strengthen the role of the company's party committee in "orienting, managing the overall situation, and ensuring implementation", and increase leadership, planning, and promotion of independent innovation. A scientific and technological leadership group with the party secretary and general manager as the team leader was established to uniformly deploy and coordinate the company's major scientific and technological tasks and issues. Issued and implemented the "Outline of 2020-2030 Science and Technology Development Plan", namely the "928" New Long March Plan, coordinating the development of nine key technology areas including vehicle, powertrain, "five modernizations", manufacturing technology and equipment, focusing on energy conservation, The two core strategies of emission reduction, new energy "green energy strategy" and intelligent, networked, and shared "smart strategy" include R & D system, talent team, R & D investment, major project topics, capacity building, crowd creation center, and knowledge. 8 aspects such as property rights and incentive mechanism were promoted. Combining with the company's 2019 mid-term business plan preparation, sort out the list of R & D capacity building projects, and complete the scientific and technological innovation mid-term business plan and common R & D capacity planning and implementation plan.

The second is to focus on the key areas of building a strong automobile country and speed up breakthroughs in independent innovation. In the field of new energy, adhere to the development ideas of electric power, hybrid power, and hydrogen power, and promote the industrialization and engineering application of the “three power” resources; complete the construction of a pure electric platform to realize the sharing of the group platform; and promote a new generation of Dongfeng Fengshen AX7 PHEV and other vehicle development; orderly advance fuel cell engineering to create high-efficiency, high-safety, full-power fuel cell vehicles, prototype development has been completed, and fuel cell stack trial production lines have been completed. The Group's h division was newly established to accelerate the development of high-end new energy vehicles. In the field of intelligent networking, we are actively building smart cars; in the field of travel services, we have deployed platforms such as Dongfeng Travel and T3 Travel. Dongfeng Travel completed the business layout and operation of Wuhan, Shiyan, and Xiangyang, with a total of 1.18 million registered users; the T3 travel platform opened and operated in 6 cities including Nanjing; and co-constructed "Smart Travelling Longzhong" with Xiangyang to explore urban wisdom Transportation provides integrated solutions. In the field of test and verification, we will promote the establishment of a national intelligent network testing base.

The third is to strategically lay out forward-looking core technologies and build new competitive advantages. Comprehensively combed forward-looking core technologies in the fields of new energy, intelligent network connection, big data, and information security for future development, and clarified the company's mid- and long-term goals and key directions. The Foresight Technology Research Institute was established to formulate relevant capacity-building plans and promote the orderly implementation.

The fourth is to strengthen measures to increase the number of invention patents of the company and promote the improvement of technological innovation capabilities. Issued systems such as the “Administrative Measures for the Award of Technological Innovation of Companies”, the “Administrative Measures for the Patent of Companies” and the “Guidelines on Increasing the Amount of Invention Patents of the Company” and other systems, and formulated 7 key tasks and 3 safeguard measures. Strengthen the assessment of invention patents, incorporate the number of invention patents into the company's KPI assessment, and scientific and technological talent evaluation; strengthen the Group's intellectual property management functions, allocate specialized management personnel, urge the major sectors to strengthen resource allocation; complete the construction of the intellectual property information system basic platform; The intellectual property professional training of the main business units is about 500 person-times, which enhances the patent application awareness of scientific and technological innovation talents. In 2019, the company's disclosure of invention patents increased by 30% year-on-year; among the company's main independent business units, the company's technology center received invention patents up 66% year-on-year, and Dongfeng Commercial Vehicle Company's invention patents increased 20% year-on-year.

Fifth, improve the diversified incentive mechanism to stimulate innovation and creativity. We will improve the incentives for participation in the distribution of technology and skills, expand the incentives for the implementation of 11 commodity development projects, and cover about 60% of the company's technology center employees. The income gap at the same post level will be 6 times. Focusing on the core technology of "stuck neck", pilot implementation of joint-stock incentives for scientific research projects in key areas. Implement the dividend incentive management method, highlight value creation, and try first in one unit. Revise labor cost budget management measures to support research and development investment and talent training in terms of total wages. Continue to promote the construction of "little giants" of parts and components, and give prizes to 20 members with outstanding contributions in 4 units.

3. Issues concerning the integration of party leadership into the corporate governance structure

The first is to further clarify the list of decisions made by the party committee. Revise and improve the DOA authorization decision-making system, and further clarify the content of decision-making matters of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee. Revise the rules of procedure of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee to make the decision-making matters of the Party Committee clearer. Clarify the decision-making matters of each decision-making subject, increase the control of the review of the topics of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee, and resolutely put an end to the "basket" and take the lead.

The second is to improve the company's party building leadership mechanism. Combing and optimizing the organizational structure and operating mechanism of the party's leading group for construction work, the party's work style and clean government building, and the anti-corruption work leading group, and clearly responsibilities to others. The company's professional committees and leading groups were cleaned up, and the decision-making responsibilities of various decision-making bodies were clarified through mergers, withdrawals, and adjustments. The number of company professional committees was reduced from 79 to 45, and the company's chairman / party secretary and general manager served The number of speaker's professional committees has been optimized from 50 to 14 to promote the company's party committees to focus on the overall situation, plan for the overall situation, and grasp major issues.

The third is to urge the party committees directly under it to strictly implement the pre-procedures for the party committees to study major business matters. Comprehensive inspection of major business management matters of the directly affiliated party committees. Guide the party committees directly under the committee to set up a "three big and one big" decision-making list and carry out special training. The "three major and one big" matters are implemented on-line management, and the implementation is supervised and inspected by means of information technology, and the pre-procedures of rigid constraints from the system and technology are implemented.

4. Inadequate measures to prevent and resolve major risks

The first is to firmly promote the company's independent brand development. Accelerate the development of Dongfeng's autonomous passenger car business, gain in-depth insight into market needs, optimize complete vehicle products with advanced technology, strengthen resource coordination, and continuously improve the product power of independent brands. Promote the platformization and series development of autonomous passenger vehicles, engines, and transmissions, and the layout of independent brand vehicles and engine platforms has basically formed. Develop Dongfeng Fengshen's sales promotion plan to promote Dongfeng Fengshen's revitalization. Fengshen Yixuan went on sale in September, and sales increased month by month, exceeding 5,000 in November. Increase support for independent brands, use the Group's own dealer resources, and develop independent brand network channels. Continue to create new advantages for commercial vehicles. Keep the market size of Dongfeng commercial vehicle and the industry leading in commodity revenue to achieve high-quality development. In 2019, the overall sales volume of Dongfeng commercial vehicles will remain the first in the industry, focusing on life-cycle cost management and business transformation. The Dongfeng commercial vehicle intact rate center was initially established to provide customers with high service efficiency and low operating costs, after-sales protection, and strengthen the aftermarket. Business profitability. Mass production of key autonomous powertrain strategic products began.

The second is to strengthen the independent control of key core technologies and resources of new energy vehicles. Accelerate the layout of key technologies and core resources, introduce batteries with advanced technology in the industry, and independently develop the technical level of projects such as motors and electronic controls. New Energy Industrial Park No. 1 was completed; the first phase of No. 2 was basically completed, and the second phase of construction was solidly advanced. The new energy flat wire motor production line is accelerating the construction and will be put into production in 2020. The industry is advanced as a whole. Established Zhirui Semiconductor Company and promoted the establishment of T3 battery company. Establish a new energy vehicle modular platform, and vigorously control the entire vehicle electronic control, battery group technology, and core technology of motor product development and manufacturing. Strengthen the construction of the ecosystem and actively carry out data collection analysis and model construction. In 2019, the company's sales of 71,000 new energy vehicles outperformed the market.

The third is to speed up the special governance work of "handling the deadlock" and loss-making enterprises. The special management of loss-making subsidiary companies will be promoted as a key task of inspection and rectification by the directly affiliated party committees. The company established a leading group for the special management of loss-making enterprises, where the general manager serves as the group leader, and formulated a turnaround plan for the loss-making subsidiaries. Held three special work conferences on “Dealing with Stiffness”, focusing on companies that did not meet the basic completion standards of the SASAC, and proceeded on a monthly follow-up work plan. Except for the cancellation of units, the company achieved overall losses and the employees were properly resettled. The whole process was smooth and orderly. .

The fourth is to improve the company's risk management system and improve its ability to prevent and resolve risks. Formulate the Implementation Rules for Tracking and Supervising Major and Important Risks and Implementation Measures for Risk Management of Overseas Business. Optimize the company's major and important risk management and control methods, ensure that the company's risks are effectively prevented and resolved, and form more than 160 management and control measures in response to the major and important risks assessed in a comprehensive risk assessment. The evaluation of the risk management system of 24 secondary units was completed to promote construction, understand management needs, clarify improvement directions, and play a role of protection and promotion. Promote the establishment of the compliance management system between the company and the secondary units, adjust and optimize the functions of the compliance management committee, establish and improve the compliance management system and measures for accountability for violations; set up a legal compliance management system structure, and promulgate guidelines for the group's legal compliance management system 》; Promote the second-tier units to independently carry out compliance evaluation on the third-tier units, gradually find out the status quo, expose compliance operation risks, strengthen compliance awareness and the culture of compliance culture, and gradually establish a long-term monitoring mechanism for compliance management.

(II) Rectification of "Implementing Comprehensive and Strict Party Subject Responsibility and Supervision Responsibility"

5. Questions about the attenuation of the main responsibility layers

The first is the responsibility of layering and compacting the main body. The "List of Responsibilities for the Party's Strict Governance of the Party" has been formulated to clarify the specific responsibilities of party committees, party committee secretaries, and team members from 7 aspects, 25 categories, and 57 items. Revised the "Implementation Rules for the Assessment Management of the Party Construction Work Responsibility System", strengthened the inspection and assessment of the implementation of the main responsibility, and incorporated the results of the assessment into the annual KPI evaluation system of members of the Party committee leadership team. The members of the party committee effectively fulfilled "one position and two responsibilities", conducted 11 investigations on the construction of party style and clean government in the field of management, and conducted interviews with the five party committee leaders who had prominent problems during internal inspections. The company's party committee held accountability for one directly-affiliated party committee that failed to perform its strict and strict party management duties, and made a company-wide notification to promote party committees at all levels to continuously consolidate and control the party's political responsibility for governing the party.

The second is to strengthen leadership and continuously improve the quality and effectiveness of internal inspections. Adjusted the inspection work leading group. The company's party committee secretary Zhu Yanfeng served as the leader of the inspection work. The number of members of the leadership group increased from 1 to 4 members of the party committee, which strengthened the party committee's organizational leadership and overall coordination of the inspection work. The inspection work leadership group Members and company leaders participated in the inspection feedback, which improved the authority and seriousness of the inspection. Strengthen the construction of inspection work system, revise and formulate the "Inspection Work Planning (2018-2022)" and "Inspection Work Implementation Rules" and other 6 systems. Intensify the use of inspection results. For the outstanding areas such as procurement and bidding pointed out by the central inspection, internal inspections are set against each other. Based on the performance of the problems and the analysis of the reasons for the mechanism and processes, special inspections have been made to rectify the common problems found during inspections. To further improve the work pattern of patrol inspections, the 8 directly-affiliated party committees carried out inspections on 34 grass-roots party organizations by means of “upgrade inspections” and “cross inspections”, and found 287 problems and 164 clues. The effective attack has directly inserted the patrol sword into the grass-roots level, and has effectively promoted the comprehensive extension of the party from the strict level to the grass-roots level.

Third, internal inspections were used to promote the implementation of the central inspection rectification. On June 17, the company's party committee immediately launched the third round of inspections, carried out inspection and supervision of five directly-affiliated party committees, implemented the central inspection related spirit and requirements into the specific practice of inspections, and took internal inspections as a powerful way to implement the central inspection rectification. Grab. Comprehensively benchmarking the requirements of the "four implementations" of the third round of inspections of the central government, focusing on the specific connotation of the central government's political responsibility for governing the party and governing the party, formulating the "Company Party Committee Inspections and Searching for Political Deviation List", and sorting out and detailing 96 specific supervisions Focus on the simultaneous development of political ecology research and judgment, and effectively clarify and concrete the content of political supervision. Paying close attention to the "key minority" and key areas, a total of 102 problems and 176 clues were found, of which 96 clues were handed over on the spot through investigation and reform, and 30 cases have been filed. 36 disciplinary and disciplinary sanctions and 87 people were organized and handled. All the five inspected party committees held warning education conferences, and the awareness of the responsibility of governing the party has been continuously enhanced in order to deepen internal inspections and promote the implementation of the full and strict management of the party's main responsibilities.

The fourth is to adhere to the case as a lesson and promote reform with the case. On June 11, the company's party committee established a reform and held a warning education conference attended by more than 2,200 people throughout the company, reporting 9 typical cases of "two problems" that violated the spirit of the eight central regulations and violated business and business enterprises. Educate people around you, and impose strict requirements on the party officials and leaders at all levels of the company to observe discipline and perform their duties. Twenty-four party committees directly under the committee held 81 warning education meetings at various levels, reporting typical cases of "two problems" and receiving 10,140 person-times of education. According to investigating and dealing with corruption cases of subordinate enterprises, we will organize the production of warning education films, continue to improve the effectiveness of warning education, form a deterrent, and strengthen the atmosphere of not dare to rot.

6. On the issue of insufficient supervision responsibility

The first is to carry out daily supervision. The "Implementation Measures of the Company's Disciplinary Commission on Strengthening Daily Supervision" was formulated, which clarified the content, methods and methods of supervision, and effectively ensured the pertinence, standardization and effectiveness of supervision. Establish corporate integrity management files for executives, regularly update and maintain in a timely manner. Strictly implement the heart-to-heart talk system, regularly interview the secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, and urge and compress the supervision responsibility. Move forward to the supervision mark and conduct a clean conversation with newly appointed leaders.

The second is to improve the relevant work system. Establish and revise 4 related systems for discipline inspection and cadre management, and further improve the working mechanism of audit, management, supervision, accountability, etc. from the system level. Completed special inspections on the quality and implementation of 24 disciplinary disciplinary cases, and resolutely corrected the problem of "loose and soft" supervision over discipline.

The third is to strengthen the construction of discipline inspection and supervision teams. Strictly implement the "three mains" requirements, formulate a full-time disciplinary committee secretary and deputy secretary allocation plan for directly affiliated units, conscientiously do a good job of nominating and inspecting various tasks, and advance the implementation of the allocation in batches and gradually. Hierarchically and categorically do a good job of "training for all employees", carefully organize and conduct practical teaching training and discipline inspection and supervision of supervision and discipline "sandbox drills" and focus on learning and discussion, focusing on solving problems such as lack of ability and panic.

7. In response to violations of the eight central regulations, mental problems are still outstanding

The first is to further tighten the cage of the system. In strict accordance with the spirit of the relevant regulations of the superiors, the company revised and improved the company's headquarters travel expenses management measures, and further clarified the content of performance duties including "rides on vehicles". The company's disciplinary committee has formulated a work system for supervising the implementation of the spirit of the eight central regulations, and provides working standards and institutional basis for the company's disciplinary committees at all levels to rectify the "four winds."

The second is to seriously investigate and deal with the violation of the spirit of the eight requirements of the Central Committee and the "four winds". Continue to carry out special rectification of violations of the spirit of the eight central regulations and the "four winds", seriously investigate and deal with the problem of disciplinary violations and invisible mutations, give 26 people disciplinary and political sanctions, and report 19 exposures. Seriously investigate and deal with the mental problems of the leadership of the party committee of a subordinate enterprise collectively in violation of the eight provisions of the Central Committee. Disciplinary and political sanctions will be imposed on 4 members of the group, and one member of the group will be given exhortations and accountability. Keeping an eye on the important nodes of Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day, and conducting supervision and inspection in Wuhan, Shiyan, Guangzhou and other bases, the phenomenon of mailing gifts by stakeholders such as suppliers has been effectively curbed. Strictly control the "five expenses" expenditures, and each year will decline in varying degrees in 2019.

The third is to continue to rectify the problems of formalism and bureaucracy. Developed a work plan to reduce the burden on the grass-roots level, promoted the solution of problems in inspection and assessment, document meetings, etc., and continued to strengthen monitoring and supervision, and the number of official documents issued and the number of supervision and inspection items have dropped significantly. We will conscientiously optimize and optimize the business processes of the headquarters budget, procurement, acceptance and payment, and further improve work efficiency.

8. Issues concerning the integrity risks of key areas and grassroots units are particularly prominent

The first is to standardize institutional procedures and strengthen integrity risk prevention and control in key areas. Guide the directly-affiliated party committees to formulate implementation plans for the establishment of an “incorruptible” system and mechanism in the light of the actual situation of the enterprise, carefully conduct integrity risk investigation and system review, and plug supervision and management loopholes.

The second is to strengthen the supplier qualification review and strictly prohibit the entry of blacklisted suppliers. Earnestly do a good job in the evaluation of annual bidding management, and strengthen the supervision and inspection of the implementation of supplier management, recommendation, access, use, evaluation, and "blacklist" management, and timely identify problems and urge rectification. Hierarchical management of suppliers' untrustworthy behaviors, and timely update the "blacklist" of Guangxuan business suppliers.

The third is to accelerate the construction of informatization in high-risk areas and improve business transparency. Carry out special treatment of waste materials, complete the first phase of construction of the waste material disposal information platform, and promote the openness and transparency of waste material processing information; the service procurement module of the electronic procurement platform has been applied in the autonomous sector to achieve efficient, transparent and transparent procurement; Announcing the management information system online, realizing data statistics analysis, resource sharing, early warning, service, information release, etc .; completed the first phase of the audit information project construction, development plan management, operation management, rectification tracking management and other five functional modules to promote auditing Effective monitoring of work, orderly execution, and collaborative management.

(III) Rectification of "Implementing Party Construction Responsibility, Strengthening Organizational Construction and Selecting and Employing Personnel"

9. Formalism in Party Building

The first is to improve the mechanism of non-deviating service production and operation. Implement the company's party building work leading group and office work rules, and form a leadership mechanism that regularly studies party building work and promotes the deep integration of party building and production and operation. Study and formulate the "Guiding Opinions on Comprehensively Strengthening the Integrative Development of Party Construction and Production and Operation" to provide systematic guidance for the company's party construction work to better serve production and operation. Issued the report on strengthening the political role, enhancing the vitality of innovation, highlighting the new advantages of Dongfeng Party building in the new era, and leading party members and cadres to identify gaps in the company in promoting independent innovation, strengthening independent businesses, accelerating reform and adjustment, and implementing state-owned party building requirements. Should shoulder the political responsibility to promote the high-quality development of the company.

The second is to standardize the management system of the party's construction plan. Persist in legislative actions and reforms, revolve around the implementation of higher-level party organization work and company reform and development goals, timely revision and release of the new five-year plan for the party's construction business plan, and fully reflect the party committee's "direction, management, and implementation" leadership role. Developed the "Party Construction Business Plan Management Standards (Trial)" and "Company Party Construction Business Plan Evaluation Mechanism" to optimize the visual work content of grass-roots party organizations and further clarify the indicators for the party's construction business plan, namely, 66 directly-affiliated party committees, 32 grass-roots party committees, and The provisions of the 7 branches and the 1 party group resolutely prevent overweight. Through research, daily counseling, and internal inspections, we strengthened the business guidance and data verification of the grassroots party building business plan, and issued rectification notices for outstanding issues. A total of 20 units were counseled on-site and training was conducted 18 times.

The third is to implement the requirements for reducing the burden on the grassroots. The party and mass work meeting has been changed from centralized once a month to once a quarter, and the inspections and examinations have been concentrated only once at the end of the year. Optimize and adjust the assessment plan, and coordinate the integration of the "five in one" assessment (annual party building work responsibility system, party style and clean government building responsibility system, disciplinary inspection and supervision work evaluation and evaluation work and selection and employment of "one report and two evaluations", performance evaluation of senior executives) Focusing on the annual key work in the assessment content, focusing on interviews and checking and acceptance on the assessment methods, so that the grassroots can be freed from the heavy accounting data. Promote the operation of the Dongfeng Party Construction E home information system, use informatization methods, reduce the work of filling in forms and reporting data, and realize real-time online query of data.

The fourth is to give full play to the role of group organizations and work together to promote company reform and innovation. Implemented the "Administrative Measures for Innovative Studios of Company Model Workers and Craftsman Talents", led by 11 provincial-level and above company-level 50 model worker (artisan) innovation workshops, extensively carried out labor competitions, mass innovation and effectiveness, etc. Staff are based on posts and strive to contribute. The continuous development of youth technology innovation forums and innovation contests has stimulated the youth's innovation potential and vitality.

10. On the issue of the quality of the selection and employment is not high enough

The first is to highlight the control of political standards and establish a clear political orientation. The "Administrative Measures for the Selection and Appointment of Senior Managers" was revised to clarify the contents of investigations on political quality and moral character, and to investigate in depth the aspects of political loyalty, political determination, political responsibility, political ability, and political self-discipline, which provided the selection of executives of various units Institutional basis. For the cadres who are promoted and inspected in 2019, they can understand the political position, ideological quality and value orientation of candidates in a comprehensive and multi-angle perspective. Highlight political standards to train and select outstanding young managers, clearly define relevant measures and requirements for supervision and management, formulate "Implementation Rules on Vigorously Discovering and Selecting Excellent Young Cadres," and systematically arrange young cadres to carry out Marxist theoretical education and party spirit education To strengthen political training, and to study and implement Xi Jinping's new era of socialist thinking with Chinese characteristics and firm ideals and convictions are top priorities.Through strict selection, strengthening of training and revision of the system, the ideological foundation for cadres to act as a fundamental foundation has been firmly established, the endogenous motivation for officers to start businesses has been established, and a long-term effect has been established for the training of cadres who are loyal to the party, politically reliable, and firm mechanism.

The second is to adhere to the cause of career, select and match strong cadres, and optimize the structure of cadres and echelon construction. Full implementation of the contract management system for senior management positions, diluting the administrative color and strengthening market orientation. By signing the executive appointment agreement, clarifying performance targets, increasing assessment efforts, strengthening salary linkages, and realizing "posts can go up and down, salaries can be increased and decreased, and personnel can go in and out." Established a succession plan for senior management positions, comprehensively sorted out the company's young cadre echelon, and found that 1029 outstanding young cadres who have the responsibility, ability, and performance are identified, laying a foundation for further optimizing the structure of the old and middle-aged team. Focusing on the training and selection of outstanding young cadres, 218 outstanding young managers have been selected to work in the grassroots units, of which 17 have been further used.

The third is to establish and implement the correct selection and employment orientation, and form an entrepreneurial atmosphere. Revise the cadre management system, clarify the selection criteria and quality requirements of members of the leadership team and the new party committee secretary, and highlight that the comprehensive evaluation of the new party committee secretary must be competent or higher in the three years before the appointment, and resolutely adjust those who are not suitable for the position of the party committee secretary. Clear political and performance orientation. Strictly implemented the cadre management system, and adjusted the positions of 40 cadres who failed to meet expectations during the comprehensive assessment of their terms of office. Among them, 27 were withdrawn from senior management positions, 7 were resigned, 4 were exchanged, and 2 were removed from office. 2. The cadres with good performance are assigned to suitable positions. Encourage cadres to take action, vigorously select cadres who use courage and good deeds, optimize management processes, establish fault tolerance mechanisms, improve cadre evaluation and withdrawal mechanisms, and effectively support cadres who are courageous, and promote the formation of "capable people Those who are inferior and those who are inferior are eliminated. "

The fourth is to broaden the horizons of talents and attract talents from all aspects and multiple channels. Revise the management method for professional chief teachers, highlight the requirements of major projects and topics, strengthen the diversified incentive mechanism, and increase the number of professional chief teachers and deputy chief teachers in the “five modernizations” and forward-looking technology fields. Strengthen the construction of high-end technical talents, adhere to targeted introduction of talents, and actively introduce strategic reserve talents in the fields of “five modernizations” and “card necks”. Focusing on the core technology research and the "stuck neck" problem, the "National Specially Appointed Experts" work task list was formulated to form a list of topics led by several nationally specially-appointed experts and hundreds of scientific and technological talents to accelerate the construction of independent core capabilities. We will improve the company's first-level talent assessment standards, increase the "five modernization" elements and the weight of invention patents, and reserve nearly 1,100 first-level talents and nearly five hundred "five modernization" talents. Vigorously promote the training of international talents and establish an international strategic talent pool.

11. There are shortcomings about the building of grass-roots party organizations

The first is to focus on the special rectification of the weakness and dispersal of grass-roots party organizations. Comprehensive investigation and centralized rectification of issues concerning the regular change of party organizations, the "two skins" of party building and production and management, the lack of party members, the staffing of party affairs, and the funding for party organization. For the unscheduled party organizations and party members and teams proposed by the central inspection, establish detailed account books, analyze the reasons, and formulate measures one by one, and issue special rectification notices to relevant units, and order the special projects to be implemented and rectified within a time limit. On-line follow-up management of grass-roots party organizations, the development of party members, timely reminders, timely supervision and control. Units that failed to change term as scheduled completed the rectification completion rate of 99.6%, and the remaining units are proceeding with the term change process in accordance with procedures. A number of party members and teams have been rectified, and the rest are proceeding in an orderly manner as planned.

The second is to focus on production and operation goals, and focus on stimulating the role of grassroots party organizations in fighting fortresses and pioneering exemplary roles of party members. Carry out a special seminar on "Don't forget the original intention and keep the mission in mind" in all party branches, mobilize the majority of party members to discuss the difficulties and key issues in the production and operation of the unit, and thoroughly find the bottlenecks that restrict the production and operation of the unit. The activities of "Party Pioneer Post" and party members' commitments promoted the implementation of rectification and reform, exported 4,492 topics, and completed 3,593 by node. Guide all units to carry out daily evaluation of the advanced nature of party members in accordance with actual conditions, and strive to forge the party member team into the vanguard of achieving the company's "three leading and one first" goal.

The third is to select advanced models to lead and drive the party building work of the company's units to better integrate into operations and lead development. Through the theme education summary meeting of “Do n’t forget the original intention and keep the mission in mind”, the party and mass work regular meeting, the company ’s party building information briefing, etc., exchange live cases of party building integration into production and management, and promote party building to lead and promote production and management work. 11 typical cases were released through internal company meetings, briefings, and Dongfeng Party Building E home exchanges to give full play to the role of advanced and typical demonstration. Focusing on the theme of “not forgetting the original intention and remembering the mission”, actively excavate and publicize the outstanding deeds of the company's advanced typical individuals in the R & D, manufacturing, and market lines, and continue to carry out the company's scientific and technological cutting-edge, skilled craftsmen, market backbones, and others to talk about things around them. Publicity, a total of 32 types of advanced typical people, creating a good atmosphere to catch up with learning.

(IV) Rectification of "Implementation of Rectification Responsibility"

12. Regarding the rectification responsibility, there is no compaction

The first is to increase rectification efforts and do a real inspection of "the second half of the article." Strictly researched and judged the problems of the previous round of patrol feedback that were not solid and rectified, including the "two responsibilities" and "four winds", leading cadres and their relatives who violated the rules to conduct business operations, go abroad (border), and purchase advertising business. Five issues were included in this round of rectification. In-depth analysis of the reasons for the rectification is not in place, and clarify the rectification work mechanism, focus and focus. Focusing on up-and-down linkage and rectification, the party committee directly under the company formulated the rectification plan accordingly to make the rectification work go through to the end, and resolutely put an end to “moving up and moving down”; establish and improve effective work support for implementing rectification responsibilities at various levels. Strengthen the supervision of the implementation of rectification measures and evaluation of rectification effects, incorporate the important content of internal inspections, inspections and assessments, and resolutely put an end to "paper rectification"; strictly and carefully manage long-term adherence to measures, focus on key areas and key links, and clarify Phased goals, resolutely put an end to "retribution", and make every effort to ensure that rectification and implementation are effective.

The second is to constantly standardize and strengthen the management of going abroad (border) due to business, and to prevent the recurrence of illegal going abroad (border). Carefully sort out the specific problems in the management of going abroad (border), analyze the specific reasons, classify and clarify the responsible subjects, especially the responsibilities of the leaders at all levels, and communicate them at the party and mass meetings. Optimize the management functions of going abroad (border), implement separation of management and management, strengthen foreign affairs management responsibilities, and improve the professionalism and standardization of foreign affairs handling. Produce and issue a leaflet for the promotion of national (border) management policies, set up a compliance chapter, and select typical violation cases to be warned. The foreign affairs management system will be issued together with the pre-departure education commitment letter, requiring policy promotion and pre-departure education to cover Every group (member) of the company who travels abroad for business. Organized 3 targeted business trainings for second-level units with many missions abroad. Developed the "Guidelines for Expenses Reimbursement for Overseas (Boundary) Business Operations", optimized the process of expense reimbursement for overseas (boundary) expenses, modified related expense reimbursement forms, and achieved front-end task approval and actual cost information linkage. Continue to include business abroad (border) business as an important part of the company's internal inspections and patrols and supervise the problem clues found in accordance with regulations and disciplines, and maintain a high-pressure situation.

The third is to seriously investigate and punish violations of business-run enterprises and further extend the reach of supervision. Collected the relatives' information of senior management personnel, strengthened the coordination with the Hubei Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, conducted random checks on the situation of senior management's business-owned enterprises, and conducted business-wide inspections across the company. Extending the standardized management objects of business-run enterprises to section-level cadres and personnel in key positions requires the rectification of related issues. Establish a supervision and management work account, implement record management, and perform regular maintenance. For the clues of complaints and reports, as well as inspections, supervision and inspections, on the clues of violations of business-run enterprises, key disciplinary inspections were conducted, and 4 disciplinary and political disciplinary sanctions were imposed and 5 were organized.

The fourth is to carry out audit rectification responsibility in various layers, and pay close attention to the results of rectification. The special meeting of the audit compliance system was held. The company's main leaders personally deployed and implemented, and coordinated and arranged the mid- and long-term rectification projects found in the two audits of the National Audit Office and the major and important risk countermeasures for the company's 2019 risk re-evaluation. The organization shall re-verify the rectification of the problem and form a special report. For the medium and long-term continuous rectification, refine the rectification measures and implement the sales management. Regarding the problem of incomplete rectification of the inspection feedback, we urged the establishment of rectification and in-depth rectification. Insist on other things and carry out self-examination and self-correction on the affiliated units.

(5) Handling of clues on transfers of central inspections

The company's party committee attached great importance to the report and problem clues handed over by the central inspection. On July 29, the secretary of the company's party committee Zhu Yanfeng listened to the report on key letters and visits and the problem clues, and clearly pointed out that the company's party committee gave its full support. And never tolerate. The company's Secretary for Discipline Inspection Committee Wen Shuzhong organized a meeting of the Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Committee to discuss the specific matters of the central inspection and handover report and handling of clues and the next step of investigation and investigation. Among the reports and problem clues handed over by the Central Inspection, which belong to the category of prosecutions and complaints, the organization shall deal with them strictly and in accordance with regulations, and the rest shall be transferred to the relevant units in accordance with the procedures.

Third, consolidate and expand the results of inspection and rectification, unswervingly promote the comprehensive and strict development of the party and deepen the development, and speed up the construction of a superior Dongfeng and a world-class enterprise

After the preliminary rectification, the company's inspection and rectification work has achieved initial results. The company's party committee will adhere to the central inspection and rectification as a major political task, always maintain the political consciousness of active rectification, carry forward the spirit of struggle, carry out layered responsibilities, and continue to carry out rectification in depth to ensure that the rectification tasks are implemented without compromise and strive to achieve the results Transformed into competitive advantages and development advantages, promoted the high-quality development of the Dongfeng cause, and submitted a satisfactory answer to the Party Central Committee and the staff.

(1) Resolutely implement the "two maintenances" and earnestly shoulder the mission responsibility of the "national team"

Persist in studying and implementing Xi Jinping's new era of socialist ideas with Chinese characteristics as the primary political task, and continue to promote learning to go deeper, to the heart, to the real, to learn loyalty, learn mission, learn responsibility, learn Outstanding skills, strengthen the "four consciousnesses", strengthen the "four self-confidences", achieve "two safeguards", and always maintain a high degree of ideological and political action with the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, with the new era of Xi Jinping The thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics leads Dongfeng's high-quality development. Incorporate the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speeches and instructions into strategies, daily routines, and actions to ensure that the major decisions and deployment of the Party Central Committee are implemented without fail. In particular, the implementation of rectification of key core technology independent innovation and other issues has been implemented. The company has always become the "pioneer" of building a strong automobile country and the "main force" of the national economy.

(2) Fully implement the general requirements for party building in the new era, and strengthen the organization and selection of personnel

We will conscientiously study and implement the general requirements for party building in the new era and the party's organizational line in the new era. We will thoroughly implement the spirit of the party-building work conference of state-owned enterprises across the country. Strong organizational guarantee. Improve the quality of party building in an all-round way, and further promote the integrated development of party building work and production and operation. We will improve the management mode of the party building cause plan, strengthen the basic guarantee of party building work, build party organizations at all levels into strong fortresses, give full play to the role of pioneers of all party members, and lead and promote high-quality development of the cause with high-quality party building. Adhere to the principles of party management of cadres and party management, highlight the political standards of cadres, promote more standardized and scientific management of cadres, pay close attention to the education of ideals and beliefs, build a solid foundation of ideology, and fundamentally stimulate the endogenous motivation of officers to start businesses and rely on successors Initiatives such as the Plan and the Evergreen Plan establish a competition selection mechanism, vigorously train young cadres, strengthen early control of cadres, and strive to build a team of high-quality cadres who are loyal and clean to meet the needs of the Dongfeng cause.

(3) Resolutely shoulder the political responsibility of governing the party and unswervingly promote the comprehensive and strict development of the party

Resolutely fulfill the responsibility of administering the party strictly and rigorously, and proactively strengthen daily communication and supervision with the higher authorities and the supervisory office of the State Supervision Commission in Dongfeng. Give full play to the role of patrol swords, adhere to the positioning of political patrols, carry out in-depth patrols and inspections, build a network of up and down linkages, promote full coverage of patrols, and open up the "last mile" of the party. Strengthen effective supervision of centralized power departments, key posts, and key areas, and establish a sound integrity risk prevention and control mechanism. Put discipline and supervision in the forefront, persevere in implementing the spirit of the eight central regulations and detailed implementation rules, resolutely prevent the rebound of the "four winds" problem, strengthen supervision of key posts and key links, adhere to the principle of upholding discipline, and maintain high pressure punishment Various acts of corruption. Through the use of the "four forms" of supervision and discipline, we will promote the establishment of a system that does not dare to rot, cannot rot, and does not want to rot, and will continue to create a virtuous political ecology and a business environment for officers and entrepreneurs.

(4) Continue to work hard for a long time to promote the high-quality development of the company through inspection and rectification results

We will continue to do a good job of follow-up rectification tasks to ensure the quality and effectiveness of rectification, and consolidate and improve the effectiveness of rectification tasks that have already been completed; for the long-term rectification tasks that are upheld, we will dynamically manage and regularly research and judge, clarify annual goals and measures, and continue to follow up and implement. Take good inspection and rectification as an important opportunity to promote high-quality development, take the new development concept as the lead, take the supply-side structural reform as the main line, adhere to the general tone of steady progress, and implement the party's central decision-making deployment to increase independence In various tasks such as innovation, building independent brands, preventing and resolving major risks, comprehensively deepening reforms, and accelerating the development of new businesses, we strive to achieve the company's goal of "three leading and one pioneering", and promote Dongfeng's business to become stronger, better and bigger. Speed ​​up making Dongfeng Company into "six forces."

Dongfeng will unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping's new era of socialist characteristics with Chinese characteristics, and take firm political responsibility and a high sense of political responsibility and mission, and go all out to do a good job The central government inspected the rectification work, not forgetting the original intention, keeping in mind the mission, accelerating the construction of a superior Dongfeng and a world-class enterprise, and making new changes for the construction of a strong automobile country, the realization of the "two hundred years" goal, and the realization of the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Great contribution.

The cadres and masses are welcome to supervise the implementation of inspections and rectifications. If you have any suggestions, please report to us in time.Contact information: Tel 027-84285349; Correspondence address: Inspection Office of the Party Committee of Dongfeng Motor Group Co., Ltd., No. 1 Dongfeng Avenue, Wuhan Economic and Technological Development Zone, Wuhan, Hubei Province, Post Code: 430056; Email: