Circular of the Committee of the Communist Party of China Anshan Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd.

According to the unified deployment of the Party Central Committee, from March 29 to June 15, 2019, the tenth inspection team of the Central Committee conducted regular inspections of the Ansteel Group Co., Ltd. Party Committee (hereinafter referred to as the Ansteel Party Committee). On July 28, the Central Inspection Team gave feedback to the Anshan Iron and Steel Party Committee. In accordance with the relevant requirements of the inspection work, the inspection and improvement exhibition will be announced.

I. Do n’t forget your original intention, keep in mind your mission, and make the implementation of rectification and reform a major political task.

Ansteel's party committee insists on patrol and reform as a touchstone of loyalty to the party and "two safeguards", strengthens political responsibility, shoulders its responsibility and mission, makes every effort to rectify issues and promote high-quality development.

(1) Improve political standing and deepen consensus on rectification. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping has issued a series of important speeches and made important instructions on the reform and development of state-owned enterprises and party building. In particular, the important directive spirit for Anshan Iron and Steel Phoenix Nirvana and the rebirth of fire has pointed out the direction for Ansteel's reform and development. This inspection was a comprehensive political medical examination of the Anshan Iron and Steel Party Committee. The feedback was practical and accurate, and the key points were reached. Anshan Iron and Steel Party Committee carefully studied Xi Jinping's thoughts on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, and General Secretary Xi Jinping listened to the spirit of the important speech of the third round of the 19th Central Inspection Tour of the Central Committee. The rectification of feedback issues is an urgent need to thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Jinping ’s important speech, important directives and instructions, and the decision-making and deployment of the Party ’s Central Committee to promote the strict management of the party, strengthen party building, better shoulder its responsibilities, and achieve high-quality development. We must make important efforts to make inspections and rectifications the most important and urgent political task at present and in the future.

(2) Courage to take action and strengthen the responsibility for rectification. On the day of the central inspection feedback, the Ansteel Party Committee immediately convened a standing committee to study and deploy the rectification work. A rectification work leading group was established with the party committee secretary as the group leader. Insist on the spirit of self-revolution, the courage to scrape bones and cure poison, and the perseverance and perseverance to do a good job of rectifying inspections. The members of the team really put themselves in, put their responsibilities into it, put their work in, face the problem without evading, and take responsibility for implementation. In 2019, 10 party committee standing committees, 9 rectification and leadership group meetings, and 8 rectification and leadership group office meetings were held in order to promote the rectification work. The party committee secretary actively fulfilled his duties as the first responsible person, took the lead in identifying problems and leading tasks. Members of the leadership team perform one post and two responsibilities, take the initiative to take charge of rectification tasks, and promote rectification item by item. The Discipline Inspection Commission performed its supervision duties and supervised rectification with high standards throughout the process. Party committees at all levels follow the unified deployment of the Anshan Iron and Steel Party Committee, undertake responsibilities, refine measures, coordinate advancement, and implement rectification in the same way, ensuring the implementation of responsibilities, detailed measures, and prominent effects for each rectification project.

(3) Adhere to systematic advancement and highlight the effectiveness of rectification. A rectification work promotion system of "one plan, three combinations, four priorities, five mechanisms, and eight special rectifications" has been established. That is: to formulate a rectification plan, clarifying the list of issues, responsibilities, measures, and the status of rectification; to combine with the theme of "not forgetting the original intention, remembering the mission" education, daily supervision, reform and development; There are four aspects of the central government's major decision-making deployments: strengthening the coordination and promotion mechanism, coordinated advancement, special inspections, regular assessments, and the use of results; and other eight special rectifications, including formalized bureaucratic issues, and rectification. There are key points, advancements and measures, rectification and follow-up, and results are guaranteed. As of the end of 2019, 99 163 rectification measures have been formulated, which have achieved staged results and need to continue to promote 60 long-term, and the remaining 4 measures are progressing steadily as planned; carefully handle the clues of inspection and transfer; establish and improve the system53 item.

While continuing to make in-depth inspections and rectifications, production and operation have shown a healthy development trend. In 2019, it realized revenue of 217.877 billion yuan, and realized a profit of 2.387 billion yuan on the basis of digesting and solving some historical problems.

2. Resolutely resolve, overcome difficulties, and comprehensively rectify the feedback problems of the central inspection.

The Anshan Iron and Steel Party Committee carefully compared the feedback and grasped the rectification with the spirit of nailing, so as to promote improvement with rectification, implementation with responsibility, and protection with system.

(I) Rectification of the problem of "learning and understanding Xi Jinping's new era of socialist thinking with Chinese characteristics and the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

1. There is a gap between the implementation of General Secretary Jinping's important speech and the spirit of instructions

The first is to study in depth. Persist in leading learning, collective seminars, rich methods, and connection with practice. Originally studied "Xi Jinping's Selected Expositions on" Don't Forget the Original Mind and Remember the Mission "," Xi Jinping's Outline of Study on Socialist Thoughts with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era, "etc., and read the original book, learn the original text, and understand the principles. The Ansteel Party Committee conducted 24 collective studies and 114 discussions. Professors from the Central Party School, Pudong Cadre College, and Northeastern University were invited to give special counseling. Use new media learning platforms to expand channels for studying political theory. Through the study, the Theoretical Learning Center Groups of Party Committees at all levels have formed 17 learning results in deepening reforms. Through in-depth study and extensive discussions, Ansteel's party committee further enhanced the "four consciousnesses", strengthened the "four self-confidences", more consciously achieved "two safeguards", and kept in mind the "mind the responsibility of the eldest son and dedication to serve the country" Chuxin and the mission of "manufacturing better materials and creating a more beautiful life".

The second is to focus on revitalization and implementation. Implementing the spirit of General Secretary Jinping ’s important speech to promote the revitalization of Northeast China, starting from comprehensively deepening reforms, accelerating high-quality development, strengthening party leadership, etc., formulating implementation measures, clear target nodes, clear division of responsibilities, and implementing regular supervision and account management. It is necessary to achieve success and advancement.

The third is to emancipate the mind and seek change. With the goal of enhancing "awareness of suffering, change, first-class consciousness, and sense of responsibility", with the four activities of "big learning", "big research", "big discussion" and "big rectification", a 9-month "liberation" "Thinking, opening up and reforming, and building a high-quality development of the new Anshan Iron and Steel Group" large discussion activities. In order to promote the "big discussion" in depth, on August 19, 2019, the secretary of the party committee recommended to all cadres and employees the article "Why Shenzhen is popular for" failure studies ", which resonated strongly. The cadres and staff actively took the initiative to vocalize, analyze their thoughts, and give their opinions. Suggest. As of the end of 2019, cadres and staff have written 70 signed articles on emancipating the mind, and an extensive discussion column on an emancipating mind set up by Angang Daily has reported 24 advanced experiences. The good atmosphere of seeking change, innovation and development has become increasingly strong.

The fourth is to change the mechanism for breakthroughs. Efforts should be made to eliminate the "identity dependency", continue to implement the "three elements, four dimensions" job management system, break the boundaries between workers and cadres, and establish competitions based on job quotas to establish cadres that can move up and down, employees can move in and out, and income can increase Reduced guidance. Improve the selection and appointment methods of headquarters agencies, focus on training and selection of outstanding young cadres, and formulate an exchange plan according to about 5% of headquarters personnel each year. Establish a market-based assessment and evaluation mechanism for managers at all levels and implement "contractual" management. Fully implement the "Opinions on Further Encouraging the Masses of Cadres in the New Era and New Roles" to strengthen and implement the "five-fold, ten-see, three-focus" orientation. Vigorously select cadres who have the courage to take responsibility, have the courage to take charge, and are good at acting. Highlight work performance and party building work, and promote the normalization of leaders. By the end of 2019, according to the Ansteel Group's "Implementation Opinions on Promoting Leaders to Work Up and Down", 45 "down" leaders were adjusted.

Fifth, advanced benchmarking and promotion. Form a mechanism for benchmarking industry performance to enhance market competitiveness, and set out to establish a benchmarking management system that covers benchmarking firm selection, dynamic adjustment, benchmarking analysis, evaluation, and improvement. In the third quarter of 2019, the party secretary led the team to Baowu, China to conduct all-round benchmarking, held a seminar, summarized and refined the benchmarking results, more clearly recognized the existing gaps, and clarified the direction of future efforts. At the same time, visits to strategic major customers such as China Railway and China Aviation Development were conducted to solicit customer opinions, explore cooperation projects, and expand cooperation space.

Sixth, a clear strategy and development. It is our responsibility to implement the major decisions and deployment of the Party Central Committee, and to plan and implement the strategy of enterprise transformation and upgrading. Implement the three-year rolling development strategic plan for the "Three Major Causes" and advance implementation with the development of specialized management. Accelerate the upgrading of materials business and implement 55 key steel industry projects. Accelerate the upgrading of the mineral resources business, implement 6 key projects, and focus on building smart mines and green mines. Accelerate the upgrading of industrial services, establish action plans for major industrial issues, and identify 21 key issues and investment projects.

2. Insufficient accuracy of the integration of party leadership into the corporate governance structure

The first is to resolutely implement the two "consistent". Implement the role of the party organization in “orienting, managing the overall situation, ensuring implementation”, revising the relevant systems, clarifying the scope of the “three important and one big” matter, and clearly defining the responsibilities boundary of the standing committee of the party committee, the board of directors, and the general manager's office according to qualitative and quantitative standards, and strictly implement The Standing Committee of the Party Committee reviews procedures for major matters beforehand, and the board of directors and the general manager's office make decisions based on authority. Revised the "Ansteel Group Implementation and Supervision Measures for the Implementation of the" Three Major and One Big "Decision-making System", established a "three major and one big" decision-making and operation supervision system covering enterprises at all levels, and supervised and guided enterprises at all levels to make standardized decisions. Implement the State Council's State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission to adjust and optimize the state-owned assets regulatory functions, reform the state-owned capital authorized operating system and related policy documents, and conduct research on the issue of powers for each enterprise and policy. Improve the authorization system of parent and subsidiary companies and clarify the responsibilities interface.

The second is to urge party committees at all levels to accurately integrate party leadership into corporate governance. Consolidate the statutory position of party organizations in corporate governance, and guide subsidiary companies to revise and improve their decision-making and management methods for "three important and one big" issues at all levels of enterprises. Clarify the responsibility boundaries, decision-making rules, procedures, implementation specifications and accountability requirements of each governing body, and clarify major business management matters such as production and operation, project investment, and capital use that must be decided by the board of directors and managers, and must go through the pre-procedures of the party committee After the study and discussion, the board of directors or the manager will make a decision to ensure that the grass-roots party committees give full play to the role of assurance and supervision around the work of the enterprise center.

3. Regarding the slow progress of deepening the reform of state-owned enterprises

The first is to promote the comprehensive reform of the Group. Adhere to the direction of market-oriented reforms, continuously increase the intensity of reforms, and strive to solve the problem of "stability and chaos". As of the end of 2019, the Group has issued a series of comprehensive reform policy documents. Subsidiaries have formulated implementation plans for specific reform projects, and 42 comprehensive reform projects have been completed. The functions of headquarters organs are further shifted to managing capital in accordance with the pattern of "small headquarters and large industries". The organizational reform was completed, reducing 4 institutions, a 23.5% decrease; reducing the number of establishments by 24, and 10.8%; and 41 communication personnel. Three households have been piloted for the professional manager system; two households have been piloted for the medium and long-term incentive mechanism. Ansteel Mining Industry promotes the reform of micro-marketization and fully authorizes the East Burning Plant in terms of human, finance, and material to stimulate vitality.

The second is to promote the deep integration of the two places in saddle climbing. Carry out the requirements of the Party Central Committee on the positioning of Anpan's reorganization and development, and further bring into play the synergistic effect of reorganization "1 + 1 > 2". 66 leaders were exchanged between the two places. Strengthen the coordination of the marketing system, carry out integrated marketing of auto steel, establish a price coordination mechanism, and coordinate the allocation of advantageous resources at each base. Anshan Iron & Steel assisted Pansteel to enter the Great Wall Yongchuan Base and Panshan Iron & Steel assisted Anshan Iron & Steel to enter SAIC-GM-Wuling. Strengthen scientific and technological research and development collaboration, jointly carry out national project research and development, research on important topics, and research on key technologies, and promote the sharing of scientific research results, technology patents, and other resources. Focusing on the promotion of intensive development of core businesses, the integration and coordination of similar resources, and the deep integration of cultures, the “Working Plan for Promoting the Deep Integration of Saddle-Climbing Integration” was formed to clarify the organization, implement the work responsibilities, and continue to do a good job of implementation.

The third is to accelerate the reform of mixed ownership. The “Guidelines for Operational Reform of Angang Group's Mixed Ownership Reform” was issued. For incremental mixed reform enterprises, the focus is on attracting capital and introducing systems to enhance the development momentum of enterprises; for existing mixed reform enterprises, the focus is on improving the level of business management and achieving development goals. As of the end of 2019, among the first batch of pilot enterprises for mixed reform, three steels including Pangang Vanadium have completed asset securitization, and the mixed reform of magnesium-based pellet projects has been completed.

The fourth is to deepen the work of "handling deadlocks and resolving difficulties". Fully completed the governance task of the SASAC's "Stiffness and Elimination of Difficulties", formulated the "Three-year Governance Plan 2019-2021", signed a responsibility letter for governance goals, and layered responsibilities; implemented "one enterprise, one strategy" governance for key enterprises Program. As of the end of 2019, key loss-making subsidiaries have achieved substantial year-on-year loss reductions, and some companies have achieved profitability.

4. Insufficient implementation of national development strategy

First, optimize and perfect the technological innovation system. Led by the development needs of major national projects and emerging industries, we will focus on creating key common and forward-looking technology research and development platforms, technology achievement transfer and transformation industrialization platforms, the establishment of Ansteel Group Beijing Research Institute, and strategic cooperation with China Aviation Development Corporation. The second is to carry out key core technology research activities. It has carried out basic, cutting-edge, and key technology projects, and achieved staged results. The third is to create high-value-added "fist products". Focusing on major national science and technology projects, we will develop a number of high-tech products. The fourth is to implement the national "go global" development strategy. Guided by the national “Belt and Road” initiative, we will increase the pace of “going global”, strengthen the implementation and implementation of the plan, and formulate the “2020-2022 Rolling-Out Plan for Internationalized Operations”.

5. Severe issues regarding prevention and resolution of major risks

The first is to reduce debt risk. Limiting own funds, and premise not to increase the level of asset-liability ratio, strengthen investment management and control; use market-oriented debt-to-equity swaps, issue perpetual bonds, and revitalize existing assets to fully reduce the size of liabilities, improve capital structure and The debt structure has further strengthened the risk prevention and control mechanism.

The second is to crack down on theft. Special rectification was carried out, more than 200 thefts were seized, 23 thieves were arrested, more than 200 illegal vehicles of various types were cleaned up, and 65 hidden dangers were rectified. Responsible persons will be dealt with in responsible cases in major cases since 2016. Strengthen the construction of anti-theft mechanisms, and amend and improve six railway transportation management systems and twelve internal management systems of the Ministry of Defense to address outstanding issues and shortcomings.

The third is to eliminate pollution prevention and control risks. Practice the green development concept of "green mountains and green mountains are the golden mountains and the silver mountains", and continue to tackle pollution. After investing 5 billion yuan in implementing pollution prevention projects in 2016-2018, an additional 2.2 billion yuan will be invested in 2019 to carry out more than 60 pollution prevention projects. Issued the “Notice on Seriously Implementing the Requirements for Ultra-Low Emissions Reconstruction” and the “Notice on the Time Limit for the Completion of Ultra-Low-Emissions Reconstruction”, and formulated the subsidiary's ultra-low-emissions reconstruction plan.

The fourth is to learn from the others and strengthen prevention. Issued the “Notice on Establishing a Long-term Effective Mechanism for Preventing and Resolving Major Risks and Performing Semi-annual Evaluations”, in order to solve the problem of inspections, continuously improve the comprehensive risk management system, implement risk control inspection and evaluation, and establish a risk monitoring and early warning mechanism; horizontal and vertical coordination and cooperation to establish risks Information push rectification mechanism; closely track environmental changes, establish a dynamic adjustment mechanism for risk identification; carry out special prevention and control of bill risks, improve advance warning mechanisms, prevent and resolve major risks, and promote healthy and sustainable development of enterprises.

(2) The rectification of the problem of "the situation of the party being strictly controlled in an all-round way is still severe and complicated, and problems in style and corruption are still prone to occur"

1. On the issue of weakening the layers of responsibility of the subject

The first is to strengthen the responsibility of the subject and actively perform his duties. The party committee took the lead in setting an example, and firmly carried the main responsibility on its shoulders. The Standing Committee of the Party Committee was held eight times in 2019 to carry out research and deployment of comprehensive and strict party management. The "Implementation Opinions of the Anshan Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd. Party Committee on Strengthening the Political Construction of the Party" were issued, and the main responsibilities of party committees at all levels were consolidated. Establish a reporting system for party organizations, and listen to 27 reports from lower-level party committees and disciplinary committees in 2019, and talk, interview, and remind grass-roots leaders 19 times. Promote the reform of the discipline inspection and supervision system with high quality, and continue to deepen the "three transfers" of the discipline inspection commission. The party committee secretary regularly communicates with the secretary of the disciplinary committee and the supervisory commissioner to listen to opinions and suggestions. The "Anshan Iron and Steel Party Committee actively accepts the opinions of the Anshan Iron and Steel Commission for Discipline Inspection (Ombudsman's Office) supervision (trial)" has been incorporated, and the Party committee consciously accepts supervision into its daily work.

The second is to strengthen supervision and inspection to eliminate the "good humanism" tendency. Conducted a comprehensive inspection of the annual assessment and evaluation of the leaders of all units that have been dealt with since the previous inspection, corrected 28 leaders without analyzing and judging violations to improve the assessment level, and reminded 5 relevant responsible persons to talk. Establish an information sharing mechanism between organizational departments and discipline inspection commissions, audits, security and other departments, timely understand and grasp the situation of the leaders' handling of sanctions, and resolutely prevent "promotion with illness" and evaluation of violations. At the same time, a record filing system for evaluation results was established to check the annual assessment of subsidiary companies. Ansteel's party-building network added a module for annual assessment and report of sanctions to leaders of subsidiary companies to improve the standardization and accuracy of annual assessment. Intensified supervision over the implementation of sanctions. Since the 18th National Congress of the Party, a comprehensive inspection of the implementation of 603 cases and 671 disciplinary sanctions has been concluded. 135 problems have been found and all have been disposed of. Revise and improve measures, increase accountability, and raise the level of institutionalization and standardization of work.

The third is to strengthen the use of inspection results and implement the responsibilities of inspections. Focused on the key objects of inspection and supervision, conducted a special inspection of Anxin Company, and found prominent problems such as the party committee team and main leaders not performing the duties of governing the party and the party. The party committee secretary (probation period) was removed, and the then party secretary and disciplinary committee The secretary and 3 others will file the case and carry out accountability. Focused on improving the quality of inspections, the "Ansteel Group Co., Ltd. Party Committee's Inspection Work Methods" was revised, and after the inspection feedback was clarified, the inspected party organization must hold the requirements of the inspection and rectification thematic democratic life meeting, and clarified the disciplinary inspection and supervision organization and the personnel department to perform daily supervision duties. Specific content and job requirements. Conduct pre-tour political and business training to improve the ability to find problems. Strengthened supervision and accountability. In 2019, we increased the accountability of supervision and rectification work, and held a total of 37 accountable persons responsible for the problems.

2. There is still a problem of looseness in fulfilling supervision responsibilities

The first is to strengthen the supervision system and strengthen the implementation of supervision responsibilities. The Anshan Iron and Steel Commission for Discipline Inspection (Ombudsman's Office) has established and improved 14 work systems around strengthening supervision, standardizing supervision of disciplinary powers and team building. Formulation of the "Ansteel Discipline Inspection Commission (State Supervisory Commission in Angang Group Co., Ltd. Office of the Ombudsman's Office) Major Events Request Reporting Method (Trial)" and "Angang Steel Disciplinary Commission (Ombudsman's Office) Participation and Attendance of Relevant Meeting System". As of the end of 2019, it had requested 46 reports from the State Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, submitted 15 opinions and suggestions on the decision-making of the Party Committee, and urged the Party Committee to formulate 6 systems; 13 discipline inspection committees reported the work in 2019.

The second is to optimize the case handling organization and broaden the clue channels. Establish an anti-corruption work coordination group to strengthen working contacts and information sharing among member units, strengthen coordination with local disciplinary commissions, supervisory committees, and judicial organs to form a joint effort for handling cases. By the end of 2019, 99 disciplinary review-related work had been carried out. Forty-five people were selected to set up a review working group to focus on handling clues to the central inspection transfer. Inspection of the problem clues and disciplinary case files one by one since January 2018, found 578 problems, notified them, and ordered rectification. Interviewed three secretaries of the grass-roots units' disciplinary committees who have not handled cases for a long time. Disciplinary inspection agencies at all levels filed 206 cases for review, a year-on-year increase of 36.4%. Party and government disciplinary actions were 195, a year-on-year increase of 17.5%. Group disciplinary commissions opened 23 cases, closed 18 cases, and punished 17 people. Among them, 7 cases were directly filed for the group's direct management cadres, and 5 people were disciplined by the party and government, which has increased several times over the previous years, which better solved the problem of “grabbing but not catching up”.

The third is to strengthen education and training and improve internal control. In accordance with the unified deployment of the Party Central Committee, the Anshan Iron and Steel Commission for Discipline Inspection steadily carried out the theme education of “Do n’t forget the original heart and remember the mission”, held a special democratic life meeting for the members of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, conducted serious criticism and self-criticism, reviewed 13 specific issues in 6 areas, and formulated corrective measures 41 items. Organized centralized study of 18 business training CD-ROMs issued by the Central Discipline Inspection Commission and the National Supervision Commission. The trainees totaled more than 1,500 person-times and 35 person-times were selected to participate in the training of the supervisory committees at all levels; experts from the Supervisory Committee were invited to conduct political business training for more than 1,600 persons. Using Qiu Daming and Yang Xihuai as disciplinary cases, the warning education was concentrated. Giving full play to the role of the masses, never disciplining and seriously investigating disciplinary and supervisory officials who violated discipline and enforced laws. As of the end of 2019, 13 clues about disciplinary cadres had been disposed of, one case was filed for review, and two persons had written interviews. Inquiry to effectively prevent the "black under the lights" problem.

3. Issues on style construction still outstanding

The first is to rectify formalism and bureaucracy. In-depth investigation and study, in 2019, Anshan Iron and Steel's leadership team's lower-level investigation plan was increased to more than 45 days per person, an increase of 50% year-on-year. As of the end of 2019, members of the team had conducted 436 surveys at the grassroots level. During the first batch of themed education, members of the group surveyed 35 grass-roots units, held 38 seminars, interviewed 852 people, solicited 321 suggestions, and answered 107 questions and answers on the spot. Carrying out formalistic and bureaucratic special governance and "looking back", as of the end of 2019, the number of documents issued by group companies decreased by 36.6% compared with the same period last year, and group-level meetings decreased by 36.5% year-on-year. In order to solve the problem of the strong administrative color of the government, the "Opinions on Further Regulating the Names of Anshan Iron and Steel Group's Management Posts" was formulated to change the sequence and names of the existing sections, divisions and departments, to dilute the administrative color, strengthen ideological education, and improve service awareness. Select and optimize the staff of the headquarters, build a service-oriented headquarters, strengthen work supervision, improve service levels, and conduct regular satisfaction assessments. In order to improve procurement efficiency, in accordance with the types of centralized procurement and authorized procurement, the procurement approval model was optimized, the approval nodes were reduced, and the Internet value acquisition was expanded. Among them, Anshan Iron & Steel's planned procurement approval process for spare parts and spare parts was reduced from 7 to 3 to improve procurement efficiency. By the end of 2019, a total of 370 million yuan in procurement of Internet value acquisition platforms had been completed, exceeding 270% of the annual target.

The second is to persevere in the "four winds." Developed and issued the "Implementation Opinions on Implementing the Spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's Important Instructions and Deeply Implementing the Spirit of the Eight Provisions of the Central Committee" to carry out in-depth correction of the "Four Winds." The Party Committee and the Discipline Inspection Committee respectively held special conferences to learn and convey the spirit of Comrade Yang Xiaodu's speech on the "9 · 10" video conference, and combined the actual research to deploy Angang to correct the "four winds". We will continue to carry out warnings, reminders and supervision and inspections during the college entrance season and major festivals. In 2019, 29 cases of typical spiritual problems in violation of the eight central regulations were investigated and dealt with, and 29 people were given disciplinary sanctions and organized handling.

The third is to regulate strict management and discipline. Formulated and issued the "Notice on Regulating Accounting-related Business Matters", researched and formulated the "Supplementary Provisions on Travel Meals and Subsidies for Urban Transportation Expenses", "Guiding Opinions on Regulating the Solution of Related Expenditure Issues" and other systems to strengthen In recognition of the "red line" awareness, centralized audits were conducted on the income and expenditures and asset management of the labor union funds of 12 subsidiaries in 2018. In the name of soliciting "rationalization proposals", the Rail Transport Company disguised as a leader to send the person responsible for welfare issues to deal with, 2 people were given a warning within the party, and 1 person was advised to deal with the conversation.

4. Issues concerning corruption in key areas

The first is the compaction responsibility. The use of warning education days, warning education conferences, party building information network, reading and thinking materials, newspaper bulletin analysis, special warning education, etc., to improve the effectiveness of education, and urge the implementation of "one position and two responsibilities." Persist in catching early and small, party organizations at all levels applied supervision and discipline in the "first form" of 372 person-times; reported 143 cases of disciplinary violations at the party's construction sites; and 5 times in the Angang Daily and Pangang Daily It exposed 33 typical violations of the spirit, formalism, and bureaucracy of the eight central regulations. On June 6, 2019, Ansteel's warning education conference was held to report disciplinary and law-breaking cases and related issues. More than 2,100 people received warning education at the scene. Supervised mining companies, industrial companies and other units to hold warning education conferences to educate them around them People around. On Angang Warning Education Day (August 16th), organize all staff of the headquarters of the group to visit the Liaoning Provincial Anti-corruption Exhibition Hall.

The second is serious investigation and punishment. Intensify investigation and punishment, and work hard to solve the problem of relying on steel to eat steel. The provincial and municipal disciplinary commissions and supervisory commissions of the two provinces and Anpan adopted a joint case-handling model and applied lien measures to investigate 7 cases of official crimes. Among them, Yuan Xuefeng, the former director of the Office of Supervision and Administration of the People's Republic of China, seriously violated the Party ’s six disciplines and was suspected of accepting bribes. He was “double-opened” and transferred to the judicial organs to achieve double violations of laws and disciplines. Misappropriation of public funds, was expelled from the party, and held criminally responsible. Continue to deepen the construction of the integrity map, dynamically and quantitatively evaluate the state of party conduct and integrity, and found a total of 1,164 integrity risks and management issues, and formulated 14,32 preventive, control, and rectification measures.

The third is special governance. Starting from May 27, special management of outstanding issues such as salary bonuses and related expenses was carried out. The processing situation was notified in Angang Daily and Pangang Daily, and commentators' articles were distributed. The "Guiding Opinions on Standardizing the Solution of Expenditure Issues" was formulated to prevent from the source.

The fourth is to explore the supervision mechanism. A mechanism for the use of disciplinary review proposals and monitoring proposals has been established, and 16 copies have been issued. Anshan Iron and Steel and Mining Company adopted a centralized case-handling model to form a joint effort for supervision. The Pangang Discipline Inspection Commission set up a disciplinary inspection studio in Chengdu to coordinate regional supervision work. China World Trade Corporation fully played the role of a disciplinary committee member to promote supervision to the grassroots.

(3) The rectification of the problem of "there is a deviation in the implementation of the party construction responsibility system, and the construction of the cadre talent team needs to be strengthened urgently"

1. On the issue of implementing the responsibility system for party building

The first is to strengthen supervision and guidance. Persistently convening Angang's party building work leading group meetings every quarter, forming a unified leadership of the party committee, all departments and units of the party construction work structure. Strengthen the leadership and guidance of party building work in territorial enterprises with party organization relations, and grasp both hands and hard hands. Taking the theme of education as an opportunity, strengthen organizational leadership, establish a theme education leadership group and office, hold 5 meetings of the leadership group, 14 meetings of the office of the leadership group, set up a roving guidance group, adhere to the implementation plan must be reviewed, important meetings must come, study and discussion You must listen, the team members must talk, and the implementation of rectification must follow, to ensure that the theme education is not biased and implemented. Organize and carry out a series of theme practice activities of "remembering the mission of the original heart and keeping the political nature forever", "I add glory to the party flag, reduce costs and increase efficiency to create a first-class" party member project activity, and play a pioneering role of party members.

The second is to perform "one post and two responsibilities." Strictly implement the "Implementation Measures of the Ansteel Group's Party Construction Work Responsibility System", hold an Ansteel Party Committee Standing Committee meeting, listen to reports on the status of party building work by members of the leadership team, and urge members of the leadership team to perform "one job, two responsibilities" in party building work, The business work is implemented with deployment, deepened with promotion, and examined with assessment. We readjusted the grassroots party building contact points of Anshan Iron and Steel team members and contacted a grass-roots party committee and a grass-roots party branch respectively. The team members went deep into the party building contact points to teach special party lessons, took the lead to investigate and guide the party building work, and solved the party building work problems. Issuing the Guiding Opinions on Further Strengthening the Organizational Life of Grassroots Party Organizations, Strictly Implementing the 8 Basic Systems of "Three Meetings and One Lesson" and Organizing Life Meetings, and Specifying Party Committees at All Levels to Implement 5 Working Systems of Leading Cadres Lectures and Classified Guidance .

The third is to build a strong party building team. Issuing the "Opinions on Further Clarifying the Full-time Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee Concentrating on Party Construction", further clarifying the post settings, equipment requirements, and six job responsibilities of the full-time Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee. Strengthen party building work guidance, compile and print "Party Committee Work Manual", "Party Branch Work Manual", "Party branch work typical case selection" and other party building work guidance series. To strengthen the education and training of party affairs cadres, 18 outstanding young party affairs cadres were selected to participate in the Angang Iron and Steel Young and Middle Age Cadre Training Course. Held 8 rounds of centralized training for party branch secretaries to achieve full coverage of centralized rotation training; on-the-job training was provided to 542 newly-appointed party branch secretaries to achieve full coverage of on-the-job training. We strengthened the reorganization of the weak and scattered party organizations, and identified six weak and scattered party branches. At present, we have revoked the integration of one party branch, two dismissed party branches, and one adjusted party branch secretary.

The fourth is to improve the assessment system. Revised and improved the "Measures for the Evaluation of Party Building Work of Angang Group Co., Ltd." to reduce the frequency of evaluations and streamline the evaluation indicators. Implement the central government's requirements for "years to reduce the burden on the grassroots", standardize and simplify the work records of grass-roots party branches, and cancel the grassroots "Comprehensive Party Branch Record Book" to prevent excessive marks. Optimize the party's information management network, hierarchical management, and improve application efficiency.

2. On the issue that the party committee team is not strong enough

The first is to strengthen the team's synergy. Focusing on the key issues of Ansteel's reform and development, the main leaders take the lead in conducting investigations and work exchanges, unifying ideas, consolidating consensus, breaking down clear tasks, and promoting the implementation of responsibilities. At the same time, the research results are transformed into ideas, measures and methods to promote work. Members of the team conduct regular heart-to-heart talks, solicit opinions and suggestions, and promote consensus. We will conscientiously implement democratic centralism, strengthen coordination among team members, support and cooperate with each other, and have the courage to take responsibility. Strictly implement the "three important and one big" decision-making system, take responsibility in accordance with collective decisions and division of labor, effectively fulfill their duties, and further improve the scientific nature of decision-making.

The second is to hold high-quality democratic life meetings. In accordance with the requirements of the Party Central Committee on holding a democratic life meeting of “do not forget the original intention and remember the mission”, the Party Secretary of the Party Committee presided over a special meeting 4 times to study and draft the leadership team to review and analyze the materials, and at the same time outline the speeches of the members of the team Check and check to ensure the accuracy of the investigation, the deep analysis of the causes, and the corrective measures. On August 28, 2019, under the guidance of the 34th Central Guidance Group of the Central Committee, the group's leadership team held a special democratic life meeting. The party committee secretary conducted a cross-check on behalf of the leadership team, thoroughly investigated 25 outstanding issues, and proposed rectification measures. . Members of the team carried out self-criticism in accordance with the requirements of "four comparisons, four find one," and conducted sincere mutual criticism in a highly responsible manner towards the party, Angang, comrades, and themselves. There were 106 criticisms, and the red-faced sweating effect was achieved. At the meeting, the 34th Guiding Group of the Central Committee commented: "This meeting meets the requirements of the Central Committee. It is a meeting of high quality and good results. It is also a democratic life meeting with a spicy flavor. Compared with the previous year, The new climate has been strengthened. "Strengthen the organizational leadership and supervision of the first batch of theme education units 'special democratic life meetings to ensure that the first batch of theme education units' special democratic life meetings provide high quality and good results.

3. Insufficient implementation of party management cadres and party management personnel

The first is to strengthen cadre and talent management. To streamline the organization, reduce the management level, reduce the number of leadership positions, and under the leadership of the headquarters organization to take the lead in streamlining the establishment, the subsidiaries' organizations have significantly streamlined the organization by 25% and the establishment by 9.1%. Improve the professional and technical level management system, open the “dual channel” for promotion of talents, and form a dual channel for management and professional technology promotion to ensure that the salary level of employees in the talent level sequence corresponds to the corresponding management and technical position post salary levels.

The second is to optimize the age structure of the cadre team. Give play to the role of cadres of all ages, solve the problem of aging of cadres, and arrange special work for older leaders. By the end of 2019, a total of 97 people have been arranged. Promote the implementation of the "Cradle Plan", implement the "Implementation Opinions on Vigorously Discovering and Cultivating Young Leaders", conduct special surveys for young cadres, establish a talent pool of outstanding young cadres, formulate plans for the training and deployment of young cadres, and gradually realize the leadership teams at all levels The Lao Zhongqing ladder is equipped and ordered to take over. At present, 90 young cadres have been selected and staffed. By the end of 2019, the proportion of young cadres under 40 years of age has increased from 5.7% to 7.9%.

The third is to resolutely put an end to illegal promotion. Adhere to the principle of party management of cadres, strengthen political responsibility, revise and improve the "Angang Steel Group Co., Ltd. Leader Management Regulations" and related supporting systems, further standardize the selection standards, procedures and steps, and strictly implement the "Four Tips" and the party style and clean government The "signature" system runs through the rules and regulations throughout the entire process of selecting and appointing personnel and daily management, and resolutely prevents promotion with illness and promotion in violation of regulations.Implemented the Measures for Supervision, Inspection and Accountability of Cadre Selection and Appointment, insisted on carrying out reforms and reforms, and seriously investigated and dealt with the problems of violations of promotion, and granted 19 people withdrawing from their posts, 1 being demoted and readjusted, and 7 people notified Criticism or exhortation, 3 people reminded to deal with the conversation. Carry out special inspections for selecting and hiring personnel, conduct back-up investigations on issues such as promotion with illness, promotion in violation of regulations, and carry out accountability in strict accordance with regulations.

The fourth is to increase the introduction and training of talents. Focus on the implementation of corporate strategy and the development of technological innovation, formulate plans for the introduction of high-end talents, and strengthen the introduction of talents. At present, 29 high-end talents have been introduced, and attention has been paid to the introduction of high-end talents in artificial intelligence, big data applications, and capital operations. Focusing on high-precision shortages, solving the shortage of leading talents in major scientific research and key areas, implementing the "Excellence Plan", establishing a professional talent pool covering metallurgy, vanadium-titanium, mining, information, etc., and striving to train 30 technical leaders and 100 within 5 years Top-notch technology talents, 300 technical backbone talents and 20 skill leaders. Focus on inspiring and mobilizing talents, opening up administrative and technical skills channels, increasing the proportion of chief engineers, adjusting the ranks of research and development posts, unblocking promotion mechanisms, improving talent compensation and performance benefits, promoting talent mid- and long-term reward policies, and inspiring talents to be creative. At present, 29 key talents have been awarded.

(IV) The rectification of the problem of "inspection and audit rectification not in place, not enough attention to constant length"

1. On the issue of the rectification of the subject's responsibility

The main responsibilities of party committees at all levels for inspection and rectification will be consolidated. The rectification of the last rectification was not in place and the problems newly discovered during the inspection were integrated. During the rectification, the inspection feedback issue was rectified with the theme of "Don't forget the original heart and keep the mission in mind". , Coordination mechanism, promotion mechanism, and regularly summarize and report progress. Give full play to the day-to-day supervision of inspection and rectification by the disciplinary commissions and organizational departments, make good use of accountability weapons, and take serious accountability for fraud and perfunctory rectification.

2. Insufficient clues on handling issues

Reorganize some of the problem clues handed over from the last round of central inspection, carefully check and deal with problems such as irregular procedures, inadequate investigations, and inaccurate qualitative investigations. At present, two clues for the transfer of the central inspection in 2015 have been re-examined and processed.

3. About the problem of reporting "false accounts"

Strictly implemented the “Administrative Measures for Audit and Rectification of Angang Group Co., Ltd.”, strengthened accountability of responsible units and responsible persons for inadequate audit rectification, and strengthened the implementation of rectification for the problems of the inadequate disposal of Pancheng Steel's official vehicles as pointed out in the 2018 audit. Responsible persons were investigated, of which one person exhorted the conversation, four reminded the conversation, and 10 persons economic evaluation totaled 22,800 yuan. By the end of September 2019, the disposal of 19 official vehicles had been completed.

3. Perseverance and continuous rectification to promote Angang's high-quality development

At present, the Ansteel Party Committee's inspection and rectification work has achieved initial results, and the task of continuous rectification is still very heavy. According to the requirements of the Central Committee, the Anshan Iron and Steel Party Committee continued to adhere to the self-revolutionary spirit of inward blades and took more effective measures to follow up the rectification work. Comrade Tan Chengxu, the new party secretary, will effectively assume the responsibility of the first person responsible for reform and resolutely carry on the political responsibility of administering the party in a strict and comprehensive manner. Requirement to ensure that rectification is implemented.

(1) Continue to deeply study Xi Jinping's socialist ideas with Chinese characteristics in the new era and the spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress. Ansteel's Party Committee will continue to strengthen the theoretical arm, and grasp the learning as an internship in the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era as an important long-term political task, continue to strengthen the "four consciousness", always firm the "four self-confidence" and resolutely do Go to "Two Maintenances". Continue to deeply study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech and instructions, clarify the direction of Anshan Iron and Steel's accelerated development in the integration, and firmly implement the spirit of nailing. Adhere to political responsibilities, maintain political will, strengthen political responsibilities, and promote the thinking and learning through learning, promote rectification and reform in order to overcome difficulties and resolve the deep-seated contradictions and problems of Angang's reform and development. Consciously align with the requirements of the Party Central Committee to achieve a resolute response advocated by the Party Central Committee, resolute implementation of the Party Central Committee's decisions, and resolute prohibition by the Party Central Committee. Do a good job of the theme education of "do not forget the original heart, remember the mission", and earnestly transform the achievements of the theme education into ideas and measures to emancipate the mind and deepen reform.

(2) To further consolidate the "two responsibilities" of strictly governing the party in an all-round manner and to promote the development of the party in an all-round manner. The Anshan Iron and Steel Party Committee will firmly carry forward the main responsibility of administering the party strictly and thoroughly and thoroughly cultivating the party's "field of responsibility." Adhering to the principles of true strict management, courageous management, and long-term management, the main responsibilities of party committees at all levels are consolidated. On the basis of continuing to deepen the reform of the discipline inspection and supervision system, strengthen supervision and evaluation, and promote the implementation and implementation of the "two responsibilities". Precisely apply the "four forms" of supervision and discipline, keep punishing the high pressure of corruption, seriously investigate and deal with corruption problems in engineering, procurement and sales, and resolutely rectify the problem of "steel for steel". Strengthen the construction of work style, thoroughly implement the spirit of the eight requirements of the Central Committee, and continue to correct the "four styles." Continue to deepen the construction of clean maps, carry out special rectification, and early detect, warn, and deal with early problems.

(3) Thoroughly implement the spirit of the state-owned enterprise party building work conference and comprehensively strengthen the party building work. Resolutely implemented the important exposition of General Secretary Jinping's party building in state-owned enterprises, firmly established the concepts of "doing good job in party building is my job, failing to do party building is misconduct, not doing well in party building is incompetent", compacting party building work responsibilities, Implement at all levels. Adhering to the two "consistent" principles, more effectively unify the strengthening of the party's leadership and improve corporate governance, effectively play the role of the party committee in "orienting, managing the overall situation, and ensuring implementation", and effectively implement party building as the lead to promote Anshan Iron and Steel High-quality development. Combined with the actual situation of Anshan Iron and Steel, we will improve the mechanism for party building assessment and evaluation and job review. We will pay more attention to the evaluation content and actual results, and promote the party construction work to be practical, detailed, and in place. Constantly explore innovations in party building work and innovate grassroots party organization activities. Continue to advance the construction of "Smart Party Construction".

(4) Further implement responsibilities and deepen inspection and rectification work. We must conscientiously perform the main responsibility of inspection and rectification, and proceed with the follow-up rectification of inspection and feedback issues with a high degree of political consciousness, ideology, and action. Adhere to high standards and strict requirements, do not relax, do not stop, and continue to grasp. We must focus on "outstanding problems in four areas" and make great efforts to solve them. Persist in paying close attention to rectification responsibility, rectification tasks, rectification time limit, and rectification effect. At the same time, we must follow the example of others, make every effort to get to the bottom of the matter, make real changes, and make changes in the end. Promote the implementation of rectification. Promote rectification work within the time limit. For completed projects, regular "look back" is carried out to consolidate the results, resolutely prevent reform while committing crimes, and prevent problems from rebounding. Strictly rectify the discipline, resolutely rectify the lack of responsibility and inaction in inspection and rectification, and engage in formalism and bureaucracy; resolutely rectify the selection, discount, and modification in inspection and rectification. For problems that need to be solved for a long time, we must analyze the effects of the inspection phase in depth to prevent inaction. We must work hard for long-term, in-depth, and continuous rectification, unify the current and long-term perspectives, unify local issues and overall issues, and combine the first example with vertical integration. Rectify, summarize, and improve while continuously expanding effect.

(5) Further clarify responsibilities and missions to promote high-quality development of Anshan Iron and Steel. Resolutely implement the major decision-making arrangements of the Party Central Committee, take the initiative to serve the national development strategy, and use inspection and rectification as an endogenous driving force for enterprise development, seize opportunities and accelerate development. Taking comprehensive reform pilots as the starting point, we will further promote Anshan Iron and Steel's comprehensive reform. Adhere to the direction of market-oriented reforms, and make comprehensive, detailed and comprehensive reform projects. Implement the goals and tasks determined by the second party congress of Ansteel. Accelerate industrial adjustment and accelerate supply-side structural reform. Implement an innovation-driven development strategy, focus on the needs of the country, carry out "stuck neck" technology research, select key projects, concentrate efforts and achieve breakthroughs. Take stronger measures to prevent and resolve business risks and lay a solid foundation for Ansteel's steady development.

The Ansteel Party Committee regards this round of inspection as a rare opportunity, regards rectification of problems as an important starting point, comprehensively implements the major decision-making arrangements of the Party Central Committee, bravely assumes responsibilities and missions, further strengthens the party's overall leadership, implements the party's responsibility for strictly governing the party, and earnestly grasps it. The work of party building has continuously promoted the high-quality development of Angang.

The cadres and masses are welcome to supervise the implementation of the inspection and rectification of the Anshan Iron and Steel Party Committee. If you have any suggestions, please report to us in time. Contact information: Tel. 0412-6721134; Postal address: 63 Wuyi Road, Tiedong District, Anshan City, Post Code: 114001; E-mail: