Coronavirus: a glimmer of hope in Italy

Audio 03:06

In the confined village of Vo Euganeo in Veneto, no case of contamination was recorded in six days. MARCO SABADIN / AFP

Text by: Anne Le Nir

Confined for almost a month, all the inhabitants of Vo'Euganeo, the first infectious focus detected in the province of Padua in Veneto, were subjected to tests for Covid-19. They were the subject of epidemiological research, coordinated by an expert from the University of Florence, Professor Sergio Romagnani. The results represent a ray of hope for Italy, where the number of deaths, 3,405, has now exceeded that of China.


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from our correspondent in Rome,

The first Italian victim of the coronavirus died on February 21, two days before the quarantine of its 3,300 inhabitants, and those of the 10 Lombard municipalities in the heart of another infectious focus. With the agreement of the Venetian authorities, all the villagers were subjected to tests.

The result showed that more than half of them were infected, including many young people, but they showed no symptoms of the disease. However, asymptomatic people are one of the biggest sources of contagion. In this village, the epidemic was quickly slowed down thanks to tests and maximum containment.

No cases in six days

For the past six days, only one single case of contagion has been registered at Vo 'Euganeo . In addition, of the 88 hospitalized patients, only 7 remain. And recovery times were quick. Ten days on average according to the declarations of Professor Sergio Romagnani.

Between the first death in late February and March 15, two more people died from the virus. But compared to the dramatic daily reports, 902 new deaths in two days, in the country, this figure is paltry.

Isolate people

According to Italian experts, isolating people as much as possible, making scrupulously respect the safety distance, for those forced to leave their homes, is essential to curb the spread of the virus. But this is not enough.

To control the pandemic, diagnostic tests should be performed on at least all those with even one of the symptoms suggesting coronavirus contamination. Which is difficult to achieve in the current context. Increasing the tests, as Veneto wants to do, has a significant cost, 12 million euros for 800,000 people.

There is also an organizational problem, because the healthcare system in the North is literally out of breath, especially in Bergamo Brescia, Crema, Cremona and Milan where a field hospital with a capacity of 500 beds should be operational from March 23.

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An infographic: The coronavirus in 7 points

Practical questions:
→ Who are the vulnerable people ?
What should you do when you think you are contaminated ?
Quarantine, what are we talking about ?
What treatments ? The effectiveness of an antimalarial drug in question

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  • Italy
  • Coronavirus

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