
09 March 2020It is the worst ever for Italian cinema: only 439.515 thousand euros in the weekend just ended, with a 79% less than the previous one, already disastrous
calculation with a minus 65%. Figures are added to at least 44% of the last weekend

Data destined to increase in the next few days and until further notice, given that from March 8, that is, cinemas will remain closed respecting the measures taken to contain the contagion of coronaviruses.

Cinetel confirms the negative record in history.

In the ranking of the most viewed films in the first place there is “I wanted to hide”, by Giorgio Rights on the painter Ligabue for whom Elio Germano won the silver bear at
Berlin. A seventh end that at the box office scored, 90,532 thousand euros with 14 thousand appearances in 204 theaters.