It is important to check if you only booked air tickets or a so-called package tour. If you have only booked flights, it can be difficult to get money back, while the rights of the consumer are more extensive in package travel, such as charter. If the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, advises against travel to a special area, you have the right to cancel with full compensation if you have a package trip.

"Travelers should keep up"

Karolin Kühn is legal advisor at Consumer Europe and Hallå Consumer, which is part of the Swedish Consumer Agency. She says that a lot of people have contacted them with questions and therefore launched a theme page about the corona virus.

- Travelers should keep up with the news and keep track of what the Ministry of Foreign Affairs recommends, she tells SVT.

In the clip above you will know what applies depending on the type of trip you have booked.