The second vice president of the Government, Pablo Iglesias, advanced on Tuesday the main measures of protection that will contain the future law on violence in childhood , coinciding with the strong wear and tear that PSOE and Unidos Podemos are suffering due to their repeated refusal to open a commission of investigation into the abuses suffered by minors who were supervised by the Consell de Mallorca , governed by both.

The scandal has already become another issue of national politics. This same Tuesday the opposition doubled in Congress and the Senate against PSOE and United We can "cover" the abusers of the Balearic Islands for their inaction when investigating.

To curb this growing spiral of criticism, Iglesias advanced some of the main milestones of what will be the first law promoted by the leader of United Podemos. The most important is the increase in the statute of limitations for serious crimes against minors, such as sexual abuse.

The rule provides that it is counted from the moment the victim has reached 30 years of age and not when the crime has been committed, which experts consider essential in the case of sexual abuse to avoid impunity and to favor loss Of the fear of reporting.

Another novelty will be to establish that any citizen will be required by law to report "immediately" any indication of violence against minors.

The educational centers will become the epicenter of prevention. A new figure will be created in them, that of the «welfare and protection coordinator», and action protocols will be established against signs of bullying, cyberbullying, sexual harassment, gender violence, suicide, self-harm and any other form of violence

There will also be "mandatory protection protocols" in all juvenile centers, such as the Balearic scandal, "with specific prevention and early detection plans for possible cases of trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation of minors."

Likewise, specialized units in the security forces and bodies will be created and specific training will be given to judges and prosecutors.

PSOE and Podemos reject an investigation

In parallel, the Congress refused to create an investigation commission on the Balearic case, as proposed by Citizens and PP. As happened in the Balearic Parliament, PSOE and United We refused and, along with their partners, accused oranges and popular of using the case in a partisan way to "harm" the Government.

On the other hand, Cs, PP and Cs recriminated their position. "If you do not support the investigation, do not once again champion the defense of feminism or the most vulnerable," said the deputy of Cs Marta Martín .

Despite the cross-criticism between the left and the right, all parties did find a common point, and it was the need to pass an ambitious law to improve the protection of children from violence and abuse.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Balearics
  • PSOE
  • United We Can
  • Citizens
  • PP
  • Pablo Iglesias
  • We can
  • Senate

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