More than 50,000 people have been isolated in the worst affected regions of Lombardy and Veneto in northern Italy. To prevent the spread from spreading further, the authorities have decided to close schools, bars, public places and stop events in a dozen different municipalities. Travel bans have also been issued to the affected sites. Anyone who violates the quarantine can be punished with a fine or a shorter prison sentence.

- The feeling of being trapped in an area where you do not come out or enter and you start to worry if you have enough food, it means that all those who should stay away from each other instead stand and queue together outside the grocery stores. You are hamstring tremendously. This is not just done in the quarantined cities, ”says Kristina Kappelin.

Have tested many

Until Friday, Italy had discovered three infected people. But just over the weekend, 150 new cases could be confirmed. Three people have died. These are older people who have previously suffered from serious illnesses. On Monday morning, Italian Rai Radio reported that another person had died.

- An interesting thing is that a lot of people have been tested. People have gone out and looked for those who might be infected. This could mean that there is a large dark figure in other countries, says Kristina Kappelin.

It is still unknown who brought the infection to Italy. The patient who first became ill had met a person who had recently been to China, but that person tested himself negatively. The authorities are now investigating whether the person in question can still be a carrier.

Trains to Austria were stopped

During Sunday night, Austria stopped a train at the Italian border from continuing into the country. This is after two travelers showed symptoms of the viral disease, writes Oe24. A representative of Austria's railway company ÖBB announced that all traffic between the countries was stopped.

The two who were suspected of carrying the infection tested negative and around midnight the traffic resumed.