75 years since the atomic bombing ICAN Secretary-General Attend a ceremony at Hiroshima and Nagasaki February 17 6:03


The Secretary-General of the International Campaign for the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons, which won the Nobel Peace Prize three years ago and contributed to the adoption of the Nuclear Weapons Convention, is scheduled to attend ceremonies in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in line with the 75 years of the atomic bombing. I understand that. As the movement toward nuclear disarmament in the world stagnates, he hopes to raise the momentum for the Nuclear Weapons Convention to come into force.

According to ICAN, it will be 75 years since the atomic bombing, and in August Beatrice Finn will attend the ceremonies held in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, respectively.

Mr. Finn visited Hiroshima and Nagasaki in January, after receiving the Nobel Peace Prize, and this is his first time attending the ceremony.

It is unclear whether the nuclear weapon disarmament treaty "New START" of the US and Russia will be extended after the deadline next year, and the movement for nuclear disarmament in the world has stagnated. They want to raise their momentum for the treaty to come into force.

Countries without nuclear weapons are signing and ratifying the Nuclear Weapons Convention, while nuclear-weapon states and countries under the nuclear umbrella, including Japan, are not participating.

Finn hopes to have a chance to deepen discussions in Japan, such as by exchanging opinions with members of the ruling and opposition parliament when visiting Japan.