Four deaths in a row due to collisions and assaults triggered by the US Middle East peace plan February 7 at 6:37

After the Trump administration in the United States announced the Middle East peace plan that sharpened the attitude toward Israel, a series of clashes and raids between the repelling Palestinians and the Israeli army resulted in the Palestinians joining in the last two days. Four people have died, 13 Israeli soldiers have been injured, and tensions are growing.

The U.S. Trump administration last month announced its own peace plan to resolve the long-standing conflict between Israel and Palestine, but the Palestinian side protested that the Palestinians would refuse to resolutely clarify their attitude toward Israel. Is calling.

On the evening of May 5, Palestinians held a protest demonstration in Hebron, Palestinian Territory, where dozens of young people threw fire bottles and other objects at the Israeli army, while the Israeli army fired live ammunition and a 17-year-old Palestinian. The boy was shot dead on his chest and died.

In the early morning of June 6, a car suspected of having Palestinians in Jerusalem rushed into where Israeli soldiers were gathering, and 12 people were injured.

On June 6, Israeli troops and demonstrators clashed in three more places, and live fire was fired on Israeli soldiers, allegedly by Palestinians. In the past two days, four Palestinians have died and Israeli soldiers have been killed. 13 people were injured.

In response to growing tensions, the Israeli army is increasing its operations in Palestine, and there is concern that clashes between the two sides will escalate in time for Friday service on Friday.