Eastern Turkey earthquake search activity ended 41 deaths confirmed January 28 6:48

A magnitude 6.7 earthquake in eastern Turkey ended a search for those left behind by a collapsed building, for a total of 41 deaths.

The magnitude 6.7 earthquake that occurred on the 24th night in eastern Turkey severely damaged the epicenter of Elaz ー Province and its surrounding area.

In Elazig, a search for people left behind by a collapsed building had been ongoing for three days, but the Turkish government announced on Saturday afternoon that it had completed its search.

The search resulted in a total of 45 rescues, including a 2-year-old girl, but 41 deaths.

Most victims have been killed by the collapse of buildings, and local media have reported that pregnant women have died and fathers have died in an attempt to protect their families from debris.

Investigations following the earthquake determined that 42 buildings in the heavily shaken area were at risk of collapse, and authorities have begun demolition work.

Under such circumstances, many residents are unable to return to their homes and are forced to evacuate, and the Turkish government is working with aid organizations to provide food and other assistance and rush to set up temporary housing.