Finally, the Ministry of Education launched five specialized academies, namely the Aircraft Maintenance Academy, "Health Sciences", "Agricultural Sciences", "Creative Arts" and "Sports Sciences".

The Academy of Food Science and Control is scheduled to open next September, bringing the total of accredited academies to six.

She pointed out that these academies guarantee the provision of national competencies in important specializations related to the country's agenda and future plans that are concerned with the quality of educational outcomes.

# Education introduces specialized academies for Emirati students at the Emirati school. #Emirates today

- Emirates Today (@emaratalyoum) January 26, 2020

The Ministry said, in statements to «Emirates Today», that 1397 students enrolled in the current academies for the academic year 2019-2020, stressing that its plan aims to raise the number of students enrolled in academies, to reach 4,500 students within three years.

The Ministry affirmed that the academies support their educational vision and plans, which aim to prepare exceptional generations capable of meeting the needs of the state in a number of vital specialties, and diversifying specialized learning paths to enable students of contemporary skills.