Illegal carry-in plastic garbage Sending back work public Malaysia January 20, 12:11

The Malaysian government has announced that it has forcibly sent plastic garbage illegally brought into Japan from Japan and Europe back to the country from which it was exported, and has stated that it will continue to crack down on it.

In Malaysia, imports from abroad surged after China banned the import of plastic garbage in principle, and the government tightened regulations to accept only recyclables, and garbage illegally brought in last year. Has been taken back to the country of export.

On May 20, the Malaysian government disclosed to the press at the northern port of Penang that the illegally brought containers of plastic garbage should be returned to the exporting country.

According to the Malaysian government, plastic garbage illegally brought in from 13 countries, such as Japan and Europe, has already been sent back to exporters in more than 3,700 tons of 150 containers.

In addition, the company plans to pay 110% for another container of plastic garbage by paying the exporter company transportation costs and forcibly sending it back in the middle.

Malaysia's Minister for Environment, Yo-Beein, stated, "We will continue to work on returning illegal waste. Malaysia is not the world's litter place."

In Southeast Asian countries, plastic garbage is illegally brought in from abroad, and the Philippines and Cambodia are sending them back to exporters.