US Presidential Adviser Mike Flynn talked about the importance of reviewing his country's relationship with NATO and President Donald Trump's vision of relations between the two parts of the Mediterranean on the basis of a new concept that is in line with the developments of the twenty-first century, and European countries' complacency with the refugee crisis, as follows: Excerpts from this interview:

• President Donald Trump announced that if he wins a second term, he will reconsider his country's relations with NATO, and that he threatens to withdraw from the alliance. What is your comment on that?

- I think the world misread Donald Trump, as he has no intention of withdrawing from the alliance without studying all the ties that link his country with him, and his goal is to reconsider the way that binds us to the world, where the United States is supposed to be the country that leads the world. The goal of reviewing such alliances and charters is to make sure that they are still viable for the purposes of the twenty-first century, but this does not mean that Trump will start the second period and at the same time he will withdraw from "NATO", but I would like to say that the alliance as a political alliance must be re- Consider it for everything: resources, capabilities, etc.

• This means that you are in any case challenging the "NATO"?

"NATO" was formed after the Second World War, which means a little more than half a century. Do you want us to continue in the same vein for another half century? I think we answered that. If we are forced to bet on such alliances, I will say yes, we must push these alliances forward, but we should also pay for them.

It is clear that Germany plays an important role in Trump's considerations. He specifically addressed Germany and demanded that the German government pay for the security provided by the American forces stationed there, otherwise it might be withdrawn. What is your comment?

We have to look at the cost of US military resources around the world. How do countries pay this cost, and why do they pay it? I'll give you an example. The Chinese get more than 40% of their oil from the Middle East through the Persian Gulf, but have you ever seen a Chinese aircraft carrier inside the Persian Gulf? For at least 40 years, the United States has guaranteed Chinese energy supplies. In truth, I say that the United States is providing funds to 99% of the countries on this planet, even North Korea receives humanitarian aid from us. We give them food, and God knows what to do with it. Maybe they feed him to their fraudulent officials. This reconsideration has nothing to do with the hostility of Germany or NATO, but rather it is to study and examine the needs that help move forward in the twenty-first century and who will pay for these needs.

• Last December, Trump criticized German Chancellor Angela Merkel, claiming that she remained extremely complacent in the refugee crisis, isn't this harmful to cooperation between the two countries? In addition, his phrases are harsh with them.

- I think that all of Europe has remained complacent with the refugee crisis, and I, in turn, wonder: Why do these people rush to the glory, beauty and power of Europe and the United States and not rush to their capitals or the capitals of the Islamic world? We have to push them back. We have to get these people back to their boats and the places they came from, and we have to tell these leaders in the Arab world, “You who bear the responsibility too.” I don't think Europe responded in the right way, and I think that's what made Trump respond in this way.

The world misread Donald Trump, as he has no intention of withdrawing from the alliance.