Imad Murad - Doha

In the fall and winter months, schoolchildren are susceptible to many infections transmitted, the most common of which are respiratory infections and stomach and intestinal infections, and the presence of a number of children in one place helps the transmission of the virus.

Consultant pediatric emergency medicine at Hamad Medical Corporation in Qatar, Dr. Shihab Amin Al-Barzanji, provided many tips that can be directed to the family to avoid infecting their children with these diseases, the most important of these advice: Commitment to healthy baby food, ensuring cleanliness and not giving children antibiotics repeatedly.

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Al-Barzanji adds - in an interview with Al-Jazeera Net - that respiratory infections spread through the air, which makes school children more vulnerable to these diseases, and their symptoms include colds, cold, cough and heat, advising to give children - in the event of these symptoms - some of the medicines that reduce congestion and nasal moisturizers Heat medications if the child's fever is high.

He explains that these respiratory infections are usually viral infections that last for several days and pass away, but they need care by the family to give the child sufficient fluids to help him resist the virus, as well as the need for the sick student to get a break from school in order not to aggravate his condition, and protect To schoolmates so that the virus does not pass them.

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Stomach infections
As for stomach and intestinal infections, it is ranked second among the most prevalent diseases among school students. Symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, and heat. These diseases are mostly viral and the child is infected by infection, lack of hygiene or quality of food.

The doctor says that the treatment of these infections is through a lot of fluids to avoid dehydration, in addition to making sure to eat foods such as "toast, rice, yogurt, rice soup, boiled potatoes, carrots and bananas", as foods that help to heal, as well as away from foods that increase The severity of these infections such as sugars, sweetened juices and foods with high fat.

A pediatric emergency consultant at the Hamad Medical Corporation called on the family to keep children away from fast food that many are now accustomed to, noting that these foods are not of any benefit or benefit at all and lead to side effects that may be dangerous, such as heart disease, obesity and diabetes.

On the other hand, he asked the family to ensure that the child’s food preservative in the school contains healthy food that increases its immunity and strengthens its structure, especially since children of this age are in a stage of development and need a healthy food, so the family must accustom the child to healthy food inside School or outside.

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Antibiotic risk
Al-Barzanji warned of the family's indulgence in giving children antibiotics that have dangerous side effects on them in the future, calling for the need to spread a culture of the risks of taking antibiotics except when absolutely necessary, because the use of antibiotics randomly leads to the occurrence of immunity in the child and these medicines become ineffective because The bacteria give themselves a kind of immunity against these drugs.

A pediatric emergency consultant called for the need to pay attention to the audiovisual ability of a child of school age, as they lead to major problems if they are not addressed, and they also affect the student’s academic abilities in the absence of attention to the child's impaired vision or hearing.

The Primary Health Care Foundation in Qatar is working on implementing a plan to link nursing clinics in schools to the electronic file services in the health centers affiliated with the institution, where it has linked more than thirty schools in order to record all the disease data for the cases, so that the patient’s history will receive any medication or health care Schools are registered on its electronic file, and it can be reviewed at any time and taken into consideration for future checks.