The march of the disabled in Montpellier - N. Bonzom / Maxele Presse

Several hundred people participated this Sunday afternoon in a "march of the disabled", in Montpellier, in the Hérault, to denounce the police violence and call for the ban on the weapons used by the police.

In the procession which crossed the city without violence or shock, in particular marched demonstrators who were wounded, these last months. Among them, a young woman, hit by a "tear gas grenade in the head", she confides, brandishing a photo of her, heavily injured in the face during a demonstration of "yellow vests", near from the station. That day, she was a street medic. "Today, I'm not anymore, I'm afraid of the police, when I go to a demonstration," says the protester. I back up when I go to the station. It is a real trauma, which is very present. "

The march of the crippled gathered several hundred people Sunday in Montpellier - N. Bonzom / Maxele Presse


"It is dangerous to demonstrate, I have known for a year", scolds a Toulousaine, who moves in a wheelchair, condemned, she said, to two months in prison suspended and banned from any demonstration, present during the march Montpellier. "I force myself to go to the demonstrations, it's a question of dignity, of respect," continues the demonstrator. But I go scared in the stomach, with the helmet, the gas mask. We have a duty to resist with what is happening today in this country. "

“I found an old file that I had dealt with during the demonstrations in 1995, there was already violence at the time. But today, we have the impression, on the ground, that they are more and more systematized, notes Jean-Jacques Gandini, former lawyer and coordinator of the Legal Team at the League for Human Rights. To scare the demonstrators, so that people come less and less to demonstrate. "


Violence in the demonstrations: "Even with the fear of taking a shot from LBD, I will continue to mobilize"


"Yellow vests": Doctors call for an end to the filing of the wounded in a gallery

  • Languedoc-Roussillon
  • Police violence
  • Demonstration
  • Injured
  • Yellow vests
  • Montpellier