Who among us did not get the annoying feeling of heartburn after a hearty meal, so that some people get it again and again, but instead of always resorting to medications, some home remedies can alleviate the symptoms or prevent them completely, what are they?

Heartburn is caused by various causes, and in most cases, an uncomfortable burning sensation occurs after eating and drinking, especially as foods such as coffee, citrus fruits, fried fatty foods and fruits that have a high fructose content lead to overproduction of stomach acid. These are the main causes of heartburn symptoms.

To prevent stomach discomfort from occurring from its inception, there are some tips and steps that you should take into account in your daily life, especially if you are prone to acid vomiting and heartburn.
Examples include:

1- Avoid foods that overproduce stomach acid, such as coffee, cigarettes, black tea, fatty foods or hot spices such as hot peppers, peppers, or curries.

2- Eating slowly and chewing well to avoid swallowing air, thus avoiding stomach fatigue or causing stomach gases and feeling nauseous.

3- After eating it is necessary to take a short walk in the open air in order to stimulate blood circulation and digestion, studies have shown that people who are physically active regularly are less likely to suffer from stomach problems in general and burn them in particular.

4- Wear loose clothes, especially if you know that you will eat a lot in the evening. Tight clothes, including a belt and tight pants, increase pressure on the stomach and thus enhance the feeling of heartburn.

5- Chewing gum:
If you are on your way home and you already notice the first signs of heartburn, the first way to treat is to chew gum, preferably one that does not have a fruit taste, as this can support heartburn.

You must continue chewing gum until you notice that saliva is forming in the mouth. The more saliva secreted, the faster the stomach acid is neutralized.

The gum, of course, is not natural - and it is a processed product - so we did not count it as a natural substance for treating heartburn, which we are offering below.

Natural remedies
Sometimes, despite the prevention, one feels disturbing pressure in the stomach with heartburn, and in this case there are home remedies that provide the required help quickly and reliably, before resorting to medications, including:

1- Potato juice
You do not necessarily need medicine to relieve the uncomfortable symptoms of heartburn, in the home kitchen there is everything you need, such as potatoes for example, the starch in potatoes reduces excessive secretion of stomach acid in a way that prevents the possibility of irritation in the mucous membranes in the first place. Before eating, drink a cup of potato juice, and you can prepare it yourself by squeezing the potatoes.

2- Almonds
Eat three to five grains of almonds before and after eating, as they also help absorb excess acid quickly.

3- Mustard
Eating a teaspoon of mustard after eating has a very great benefit, as mustard oil stimulates the bile and liver, which are responsible for digesting fats, soothe the stomach and prevent reflux.

4- Tea
Tea also helps reduce backflow and heartburn, and for years tea has been used to relieve and treat various health problems. Chamomile tea, for example, calms the inflamed or irritated mucous membranes of the digestive system and promotes digestion.

For a better effect, you can mix chamomile leaves with the following herbs, anise, fennel, caraway and marshmallow root. All of these herbs are home remedies that provide relief from heartburn.

Use one of these home remedies for heartburn and you will notice that the unpleasant feeling it causes causes less or less wear. However, it remains important to mention that the information in this article does not substitute for a doctor's visit and advice.