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The President of the Italian Council Giuseppe Conte on December 28, 2019 in Rome. REUTERS / Guglielmo Mangiapane

Four months after the birth of the executive "Conte bis", made up of the Democratic Party (center-left) and the unclassifiable 5-star Movement, the President of the Italian Council, Giuseppe Conte, announced at his press conference end of the year " a three-year marathon ". Goal ? Carry out essential reforms to redress Italy by the end of the legislature in 2022.

With our correspondent in Rome, Anne Le Nir

As it should be, the President of the Council gave a positive assessment of the work accomplished in a few months. He spoke of the VAT freeze, the increase in the lowest wages, but also the repatriation of migrants not eligible for refugee status.

" With Salvini at the head of the Interior Ministry, there were eight repatriations per month on average, since he is at the opposition this figure has risen to 91 ", he said, before specifying that illegal immigration must be combated " but without closing the ports ".

Immigration is one of the subjects at the heart of the differences between the Democratic Party and the ruling 5-star movement. Giuseppe Conte hopes, however, to carry out key reforms to the rhythm of a three-year marathon.

Giuseppe Conte notably promised a reduction in bureaucracy, the digitization of the public service, the improvement of infrastructure, faster justice and above all, a concrete fight against tax evasion which represents between 180 and 190 billion euros each year. euros of losses for the State