While malware and attempts to hack your personal information have become more advanced similarly developed programs designed to protect you, and the importance of those programs is not limited to anti-virus, but also includes the fight against malicious programs and electronic fraud and so on.

The American website "IGN" mentions five anti-virus programs that it considers the best in this field, namely:

1. Web Root Secure Anywhere
According to the site, "Web Route Secure AnyWire" is the best anti-virus software and the best option for one simple reason is that it conducts scans at a faster rate than all the programs that have been tested and by a large difference.

Since the program is based on the cloud it does not need to update itself, and once installed it takes up one megabyte of device space, but it proved very effective as it scored 10/10 in malware testing.

WebRecure Secure AnyWare is cloud-based and only occupies one megabyte of device space (social media)

According to the site, the program was also one of the best programs that have been tested to combat phishing and ransomware.

It also comes with the program, an additional free extension for the browser that helps prevent access to harmful websites, and it has a lot of advanced controls as well.

The only negative is that the cloud-based nature of the program means that it only works when you are online, but if you are not connected to it you will not need to protect yourself from viruses.

2. Kaspersky
The site explained that the program "Kaspersky" does a lot of things well and some other things very well, it is easy to use, and its overall performance is excellent.

This program provides an on-screen keyboard as an option as well, and although it is more expensive than many of its contemporaries, you in return get a license to install it on three devices, so its value reflects the amount of protection it offers from the first class.

Kaspersky is more expensive than many competing programs, but it provides excellent performance (social media)

3. House of Defender
"BitDefender" is a great option, because it works on the automatic guide system most of the time, it is very unobtrusive and provides great protection at a very competitive price.

Unlike most programs that cover only one device for a basic subscription, BitDefender allows installation on up to five devices, including iOS, Android and Mac as well.

The program provides a set of additional useful features, such as protection from phishing, file damage, password management, protection from ransomware and parental control as well.

Bitdefender offers additional benefits like protection from phishing, file damage, password management, etc. (social media)

4. Sophos Home Premium
This program has a lot of features that will make you love it. For $ 50, this program protects up to 10 devices from almost every imaginable attempt to endanger devices.

Email alerts let you know when a fishy thing has happened, and parental controls add a layer of protection as the primary or downgraded kernel as you want it to ensure children's safety on the Internet.

The program has a sound and easy to navigate interface, which makes it a winner despite the intense competition in this field, according to the IGN website.

Sophos Home Premium offers parental monitoring a layer of protection as a basic or reduced core (social media)

5. Trend Micro Internet Security
Trend Micro Internet Security is a powerful and easy-to-use suite of programs that can protect your entire home from online threats.

This program is great for protecting against phishing and malware, not to mention that it includes built-in protection for ransomware and parental control as well, and the security features of its social networks are welcome even if you don't follow its advice.

Trend Micro is distinguished by its ability to protect against phishing and malware (social media)