"A tactical consideration." This is how Prime Minister Stefan Löfven (S) interpreted the fact that the Left Party's Jonas Sjöstedt did not comment on the Moderates 'and Sweden's Democrats' new will to cooperate. Löfven is also critical of the role of the Left Party during the recent conflict around the Employment Service.

- It is obvious that a right-wing conservative bloc has been formed when Kristersson and Åkesson now say that cooperation is important. This has already happened between KD and SD. What is strange is that it seems that the Left Party wants to use the three right-wing Conservative parties for some opportunistic purpose as some kind of tool against the government. It's strange, says Stefan Löfven.

Strange situation

When Mats Knutson interviews Stefan Löfven in a part of the Mats Möter program series, the political turmoil of recent weeks surrounding the reform of the Employment Service , among other things, emerged when a threat of disbelief against Labor Minister Eva Nordmark hung in the air. When asked whether the Center Party gained too much influence during the January agreement, Löfven chooses to redirect the spotlight to another party - namely the Left Party.

- We must all stand up to an agreement. The strange thing about this situation is now that the Left Party stands next to the parties that want to privatize the employment services and pull it down even more.

A new political climate

He also finds it strange that the disbelief against Nordmark took place eight months after the January agreement was signed.

- When V voted yellow for me, then they knew what was said about the employment agency in the agreement. But there has been no counter-proposal.

According to Löfven, this, which he regards as a new political climate, can create problems for all governments in the future. Six statements of disbelief in five years are alarming.

- It's not sustainable. Indeed, if the country is to be able to govern, we must respect parliamentarism.

Is it a threat to democracy?

- If four parties are just against things - you are not for anything, you have no proposal of your own and you have nothing in common except that you can fold the government - then it will be difficult. It's not a question of me, it's not a question of the government, it's a question of Swedish democracy.

- It's a new political climate. If we want it so in the future, all governments, regardless of political color, will find it very difficult.

See the entire interview with Stefan Löfven (S) in Mats meets here.