A Brazilian man was arrested by the police while taking a mother's driving test instead.

On Monday, foreign media, including the British BBC, reported on the latest outrage at a driving test site in Brazil.

Ator Skiabe, 43, a car mechanic, decided to take her test on her mother's behalf after she recently dropped three times in the driving test.

Mr. Skiabe dressed up to look like her mother and went to a driving test. Finely dressed and wearing a wig, Mr. Skiabe wore a floral top, a colorful skirt, and even nailed red nails.

But as soon as Mr. Skiave sat in the driver's seat for the test, the supervisor next to me noticed that he was not a woman. "I saw him trying to behave naturally on purpose," the supervisor explained. "I made the makeup thicker, polished my nails and liked jewelry."
Police arrived at the scene after being supervised by the supervisor and arrested Mr. Skiabe for fraud and identity theft. "I tried to help my mother get a driver's license," she said. "I don't know this."
As the news became known, local netizens reacted mixedly. Some netizens defended Mr. Skiave's actions and responded to "acts of filial piety." Other netizens criticized his actions and stressed the dangers of unlicensed driving.

'News Pick'.

(Photo = Daily Mail Homepage Capture)