“So ridiculous. Greta has to deal with her aggression problems, and then go and see a good old movie with a friend! Relax Greta, relax! ”Writes the President.

This is the second time this fall that US President writes about Greta Thunberg on Twitter.

“She seems to be a young happy girl who looks forward to a bright and wonderful future. So wonderful to see! ”, The president tweeted in September, linking to a speech Thunberg held at the UN Climate Summit. After that, Thunberg chose to change the presentation text on his Twitter profile to:

"A very happy young girl who looks forward to a bright and wonderful future".

Shortly after Trump's new post about the Swedish climate activist, Thunberg again changed his twitter bio:

“A teenager working on his aggression problems. Taking it easy now and watching a good old movie with a friend ”.